Column of smoke on the mountain road: B44 closed due to a large-scale fire |


Still a great conflagration because of prolonged drought, this time on the mountain road. The police cordoned off the B44 because the arable land was on fire.

The always dry and wet summer weather keeps the fire departments all over the country in a state of permanent alert. After several large hall fires at Nordhessen last weekend, a column of smoke rose in the sky over a field of ground on Monday afternoon in Groß-Rohrheim (Bergstraße) near of Biblis

. a spokesman for the police Firefighters take several hours to extinguish the fire

B44 stuck

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photo © Keutz / Einsatz bericht Südhessen

The working group was alerted at 15.20. "About 80 forces are busy extinguishing the fire," said the police spokesman. The B44 between Biblis and Groß-Rohrheim was temporarily closed. In addition, a police helicopter was in service

According to initial findings, there was no indication of arson. If farm work on the ground could have led to the outbreak of the fire, now must show the subsequent investigation. Nobody was hurt. The amount of the damage was initially not fixed.

Fires of all kinds

A conflagration on the A5 towards Frankfurt Airport also broke out Monday afternoon. Smoke from the burning grbad and scrub of 200 square meters was fired in the street, said the fire brigade.

The Ministry of Environment recently warned of fires in the forest and the corridor. Throughout the country predominate middle, in southern Hesse danger of locally high forest fire. Above all, broken glbad shards, cigarette butts and flying sparks during grilling are often fire triggers, the ministry warned people to pay attention. Apparently she missed Saturday a seven-person camping group in Babenhausen, in southern Hesse (Darmstadt-Dieburg), when they set fire to an unprotected home in a meadow

. Once again, the fire department was quickly on site and quickly mastered the fire. In northern Hesse burned Saturday in Kbadel equal to three fields of cereals. Both at Guxhagen and at Fuldabrück and Lohfelden, firefighters had to go out to extinguish the flames.

Show: hessenschau 02.07.2018, 19.30

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