comdirect investment Atlas: Significant closure of West-East equity holdings


comdirect: Even almost 30 years after reunification, Germany is a divided country, at least with regard to the quota: in the Länder of Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt and Thüringen, no district does not hold more than 5% of the population.

Such a low level of title ownership can only be found in the western federal states of Saarland. These are the results of the current atlantic comdirect investment. The socio-demographic badysis of German investment behavior was conducted in May 2018.

The funds only own 1.6% of East Germans (including Berlin). By contrast, in the western federal states, it is 15.3%. Even though it is already a rate much higher than in the East, the results show that Germans are a muffle of total badets. Only one eighth German citizen invests in funds, against only one in thirteen for shares

This has a negative effect on the success of German savings, says Matthias Hach, member of the board of comdirect bank AG: Savers lost 7.1 billion euros because they put money on call, term deposits and savings. Their interest rates are sometimes well below the rate of inflation. This shows that there is no way to accumulate long-term capital. "

More shareholders in the country than in the city
There is also a difference between land and city, and funds as large city dwellers In the 401 counties and cities On the other hand, the average for the 50 largest cities in Germany is only around 4%, for example in Heidelberg. (4.3%) and Nuremberg (3.8%).

There is also a clear discrepancy with the holdings of the fund: 13% corresponds to Düren in North Rhine-Westphalia the average between districts and cities Among the largest cities, this figure is only 7% – in Augsburg (7.4%) and Karlsruhe (6.9%).

"The result was surprising at first sight , as we did in our last survey two years ago it 's the reverse, "says Hach, board member of comdirect. One of the reasons might be that rural dwellers have on average a higher net family income than urban dwellers.

"There is still a link between income and shareholding.Investment in securities is possible from 25 euros per month.For especially for those who have less money available, the securities offer the opportunity to build a long-term financial cushion, "explains Hach.

Munich and Bavaria as a whole are pioneers
Compared to the rest of Germany, southern Germany is the leader in shares and funds. Many more people invest their money in securities than in other regions. Among the largest cities, Munich is at the top of the list: nearly one in two (49.9%) citizens of Munich has invested in a fund. In second place followed the Lower Saxony Oldenburg with 20.5 percent. Every sixth person in Munich owns shares (16.7%).

For comparison, in Erfurt, it is only 0.2%. In the rest of Bavaria, this trend continues. Nine of the ten districts and cities with the highest share of funds are in Bavaria. In actions, there are seven districts or cities out of ten.

But in Hesse and Baden-Württemberg, there are also a number of owners of stocks or funds above average. In Hesse, Offenbach (0.9%) is the only one of all counties and independent cities to hold less than 5% of shares and shares of funds.

Top 10 – Holdings in the largest German cities

Ranking City Shareholders Share
1. Munich 16.7%
2. Hamburg 13.8%
3. Düsseldorf 11.3%
4. Bonn 11.0%
5. Wiesbaden 10.4%
6. [19659021] Mühlheim an der Ruhr 9.1%
7. Frankfurt am Main 8.3%
8. Stuttgart 7.7%
9 Brunswick 7.6%
10. Oldenburg 7.5%

Top 10 – Holdings in German Counties and Independent Cities

Rank city shareholder stock
1. Starnberg, Bavaria 40, 8%
2. Landshut, Bavaria 39.6%
3. Miesbach, Bavaria 37.3%
4. Baden-Baden,
5. Lake Constance,
6. High Taunus Circle, Hesse 31.0%
7. Ebersberg, Bavaria 30.8%
8. Dachau, Bavaria 28.7%
9. Kreis München, Bavaria 27.3%
10. Bad Tölz-Wolfratshausen, Bavaria 26.2%

Top 10 – Property Ownership in the Biggest German Cities

] Rank City Share of Savers
1. Munich 49.9%
2. Oldenburg 20.5%
3. [19659021] Frankfurt am Main 19.6%
4. Düsseldorf 19.5%
5. Braunschweig 17.3%
6. [19659021] Wiesbaden 15.9% [19659023] 7. Hamburg 15.4%
8. Hannover Region 15.1%
9. Regensburg 14.7% [19659023] Stuttgart 14.5%

Top 10 – Property Ownership in German Counties and County Towns

Rankings City Fund Saving Action
1 Starnberg, Bavaria [19659019] 65.9%
2. Upper Taunus Circle, Hesse 59.7%
3. Landshut, Bavaria 56.2%
4. Ansbach, Bavaria 54.4%
5. Munich, Bavaria 49.9%
6. Munich, Bavaria [19659021] 47.5%
7. Ebersberg, Bavaria 46.5%
8. Miesbach, Bavaria 45.6%
9. Dachau, Bavaria 40.5%
10. Erlangen-Höchstadt, Bavaria 39.0%
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