Common Disease Diabetes: The 7 Most Important Facts About The Disease


1. Type 1 and Type 2 – This is what sets them apart

Type 1 diabetics are in the minority. The disease occurs because elements of the body's defense attack the insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. In cases of type 1 diabetes, the tablets do not help, but the multiple daily injections of insulin. The number of people with type 2 diabetes is increasing worldwide. The problem is largely related to overeating. Those with genetic predisposition typically develop type 2 diabetes if they eat too much, weigh too much and move too little. The body's cells then respond more slowly to insulin, which increases the blood sugar level. However, diabetes does not cure in type 2 diabetics when it decreases and that it does exercise, but the metabolism generally improves. Type 2 diabetes is treated with insulin and / or tablets.

What is diabetes?

Diabetes is a chronic disorder of blood glucose metabolism. As a supplier of energy, sugar is carried by insulin, a hormone, into the body's cells. If this process is disrupted, diabetes develops. The most important signs of the disease include increased blood sugar, fatigue and lack of concentration. Diabetes is a metabolic disease and there are four types: autoimmune disease, insulin resistance, rare diabetes and gestational diabetes.

2. Diabetes is rarely curable

Type 1 diabetes is still not curable. The disease is chronic and lasts a lifetime. Some type 2 diabetics no longer need medication because they lose weight and move every day. Type 2 diabetes can still reproduce. The probability increases when patients regain weight and fall back into unhealthy lifestyles.

3. What indicates diabetes?

Untreated type 1 diabetes, which is not yet recognized, usually results in high thirst, frequent urination, intense fatigue and weight loss. Sometimes, however, the disease can only be detected when a person falls into a diabetic coma. The disease occurs mainly in children and young people. It can take years to recognize type 2 diabetes. Blood glucose levels increase slowly over time. The symptoms are not so obvious. Late wound healing, more frequent infections, increased thirst, emotional problems in the feet and legs, impaired vision, type 2 diabetes can be subtle. It is therefore important to pay attention to family members who already have type 2 diabetes and / or have too much weight. A simple blood glucose test in a pharmacy or doctor's office can already give an indication of the disease.

4. Therapy individually

Today, the doctor accurately takes into account the living conditions, other illnesses and possibilities of a diabetic before deciding on a treatment. Experts talk about individualized therapy. This will help diabetics cope better than with identical standard treatment for all concerned.

5. Eat to stay healthy

To delay as much as possible the consequences of diabetes on the heart and circulation, eyes, kidneys and nerves, the type of diet also plays an important role. It determines the quality of metabolic control and the health of fat and small blood vessels in the body. The benefits of the so-called Mediterranean diet are clearly demonstrated. Their building blocks: fatty sea fish, lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts and olive oil. Fatty meat and fatty sausages are rarely on the table. If you often want to cook Mediterranean dishes, you will find many suggestions in special cookbooks or on various websites.

Mediterranean cuisine is not only delicious, but healthy. Thinkstock

What is the Mediterranean diet?

A Mediterranean diet is a diet based on olive oil, fish, vegetables and pasta. With this diet, we refrain from excessive consumption of meat. This nutritional model helps not only to lose weight, but also to prevent cardiovascular disease. The Mediterranean diet is native to Crete and Greece.

Read here

6. The right amount of movement

Going afloat for half an hour a day – more is allowed, but there is no need to be needed to improve the metabolism. Exercise is a jack of all-all for health. Blood glucose is pushed into the cells. This saves insulin and thus protects the pancreas from type 2 diabetics. The circulation of all tissues is stimulated. More musculature sends more anti-inflammatory messengers into the body. It also increases energy expenditure, which means that the body burns more. This facilitates weight loss. Physiotherapists provide instructions on how to exercise in case of joint problems. If you want to start exercising again, you can consult the doctor in advance. Attention: Diabetics treated with sulfonylureas or insulin can infer that they are moving! Diabetologists explain how to minimize this risk. In any case, always have the test strips and glucose handy.

7. The most important preventive exams

For a long time, the doctor checks once a year his health despite diabetes. Diabetics are usually in good hands with diabetes specialists, the diabetologist. (Aponet)

These foods prevent diabetes

According to a new study, a diet rich in antioxidants can prevent type 2 diabetes, a metabolic disease. This is the conclusion of a research team of the National Institute of Health and Medical Research.

Their study showed that the risk of diabetes decreased with increasing amounts of antioxidants, as reported by the authors of the journal Diabetologia. Participants in the study who consumed the most antioxidants had a 27% lower risk of diabetes compared to those who ate the least.

Foods containing antioxidants

  • Dark chocolate
  • tea
  • nuts
  • plums
  • blueberries
  • strawberries
  • Hazelnut

Previous studies have suggested that some antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, lycopene or flavonoids, could reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. But the substances contained in these works were generally considered isolated, according to scientists. In their work, they had now tried to determine the antioxidant value of the diet in general. The foods that reduced the risk of diabetes the most were fruits and vegetables, tea and red wine in moderate amounts. Scientists had excluded coffee from their badysis because coffee antioxidants were already badociated with a reduced risk of diabetes. How radical scavengers reduce the risk of diabetes should be studied later.

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