"Comprehensive Professional Development": Merkel Wants Higher Salaries for Nurses



(Photo: photo alliance / dpa)

Monday, July 16, 2018

Before the federal election, a geriatric nurse invites the Chancellor to visit his place of work. Merkel complies with this request and speaks in favor of "reasonable compensation". However, patient advocates warn against "promises made at the expense of third parties".

Chancellor Angela Merkel called for a complete improvement of nursing professions. Training needs to be improved and nurses must receive "reasonable remuneration," Merkel said during a visit to a nursing home in Paderborn. "The profession must become more attractive," the Chancellor added to residents of the Protestant House for Seniors St. Johannisstift

Merkel spoke of the federal government's plan to put in place a package of measures to eliminate care in the next twelve months. to bring. Jens Spahn, Minister of Health of the CDU, Franziska Giffey, Minister of the SPD, and Hubertus Heil, Minister of Labor of the SPD, began in early July the "Concert Action Care".

Merkel promised the Bundestag election campaign last summer. Year The caregiver Ferdi Cebi, who works in St. Johannisstift, had addressed Merkel in September in a TV show about nursing deficiencies before the election and had invited them to come to Paderborn on his place working. The Chancellor then promised a visit.

"I have come to say thank you and learn what affects you," said the head of government at a meeting with seniors and nurses. 110 residents are supported by 95 employees of the Protestant St. Johannisstift

Spahn estimates 3000 euros per month possible

Cebi, 36, geriatric nurse, completed his professional training of three years at the Paderborn establishment 14 years ago. In addition to his work as a geriatric nurse, he is also active as a rapper with the stage name Idref. When Merkel visited her workplace, the father of three also gave a short rap performance.

Federal Health Minister Spahn also called for higher wages and better working conditions in the care sector. Salaries up to 3,000 euros per month and therefore significantly more than currently "should be possible," said Spahn in the ZDF "Morgenmagazin". "Recognition is expressed not only in words, but also by money."

Even the largest badociation of compulsory health insurance (GKV) was asking more money to employees in the health care sector. "Those who want good care, they have to pay well," said GKV spokesman Florian Lanz. "A collective salary at the regional level for all nurses would be just as important as an important step forward." Concerted action should also focus on better support for family carers, such as pensions.

Eugen Brysch, president of the Patient Protection Foundation, described collective bargaining among seniors as being late. If Spahn gives such a promise, "it can not be a promise made at the expense of third parties". "Because in geriatric care, these costs are pbaded directly to people in need of care." Therefore, Merkel and Spahn should "declare mandatory that the money needed to get decent wages comes from long-term care insurance and tax revenues."

Source: n-tv.de [19659016] Subjects

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