Conclusion Trial NSU: verdict despite open questions


Today, the verdict of the NSU trial is expected to fall. For survivors, the case with the end of the process is not over – too little has been clarified. This is what the protesters want to point out.

By Thies Marsen, BR

Still the verdict in the NSU trial is not talked about. However, some people are sure how that will happen – as Bernd Behnken: "At the end of the procedure, it will be for Ms. Zschäpe to be sentenced to life imprisonment, perhaps even with a particular guilt", he says. He said that he did not want to badess whether the custody of the accused Beate Zschäpe would be ordered or not, which was "irrelevant".

Because if the court determines the seriousness of the guilt, Zschäpe is practically excluded after fifteen years or so. 20 years is published. So she has to wait to actually stay at the end of her life behind bars.

"There was no need to rethink"

A very appropriate punishment, many find that neo-Nazi terrorists took their loved ones: "Very punished they will do it, they should have the best, this who gives, "says Kerim Şimşek, son of the first victim of the murder of NSU Enver Şimşek.

Other survivors, however, point out that they do not care about the punishment. Above all, they wanted to answer their most burning question: why should my son, my father, my brother, my husband die?

Yvonne Boulgarides, widow of Theodorus Boulgarides, murdered in Munich, is disappointed that most of the accused have little or nothing to enlighten contributed. She scared them that they did not rethink, she said, "And if the punishment required is respected, then they all have time to think about it."

The Zschäpe lawyer claims less than ten years in prison

For life for Zschäpe, twelve years of imprisonment for co-defendants Ralf Wohlleben and André E., five years for Holger G. and three years of juvenile detention for witness confessor Carsten S. – who calls the federal prosecutor for the five accused.

Defense lawyers demand the acquittal of their clients – partly for innocence, partly for prescription. Zschäpes' lawyer, Mathias Grasel, claims that his client can only be punished because of NSU bank robberies and the fact that she set the apartment on fire. of Zwickau after the shooting of the terrorist cell

. After his argument, Grasel said: "I consider that the evaluation of evidence and the legal badessment by the Federal Prosecution are inaccurate because complicity can not be justified in accordance with legal requirements." A sentence of imprisonment of less than ten years is therefore appropriate

Some plaintiffs have forgiven Carsten S.

Stefan Hachmeister, the lawyer of Holger G., an alleged sympathizer of the NSU, n & # 39; has not brought criminal charges. He fears that an example will be made of him and the other defendants. According to Hachmeister, "the process lasted all year and put tremendous pressure on the court:" It was clear from the beginning, at least the perception of our client, that good people have already been found and that it was only about them punishable. "

However, we can expect to get it relatively lightly: Carsten S. He allegedly delivered the weapon of the crime to the NSU and is therefore accused of complicity in murder. he is the only accused who has credibly displayed remorse and testified extensively and turned his back on the neo-Nazi scene more than 15 years ago

"I think it must also be recognized that He broke up with the scene and that's why I think the man is not in jail, "says Mehmet Daimagüler, a lawyer for a co-plaintiff.

Enver Şimşek is the first victim of the NSU. But that's only known eleven years later, when pictures of dying appear in NSU's confessional video. Şimşek was born in a small town near Antalya. At the age of 23, he came to Germany. He first worked in a factory. In addition, he sold flowers until he became self-employed and expanded his business into a wholesale flower business. He was the father of two children. On September 9, 2000, Şimşek was shot dead in one of his mobile flower stalls in Nuremberg. Two days later, he dies in a hospital. Police suspect behind the act a family tragedy and investigate his wife and brother. | Image source: picture alliance / dpa

Demonstrations planned in front of the Palace of Justice

Kerim Şimşek also forgave Carsten S. On the other hand, he is convinced of the guilt of the others accused – but also that there are still more members and supporters of the NSU responsible for the death of his father and the nine other victims of the murder: "I think then that there is still from the chairs to the dock, there are still a few people left, "he says, he wanted" one hundred percent illumination "and punishment for all those who had their fingers in the game.

That Calls also the alliance "Kein Schlussstrich", who called for demonstrations throughout Germany on the day of the verdict.The largest takes place in Munich.Throughout the day, the demonstrators want to show their presence in front of the courthouse and move into the downtown area in the evening. Patrycia Kowalska is an activist:

"As long as the NSU network has not been completely unmasked, as long as the open issues have not been resolved, as long as the role of the state does not exist. Has not been clarified and that serious political consequences do not require a final blow. "

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