Conflicts: citizens of Ukrainian rebel zones elect presidents and parliaments


News1 (AFP – Journal)

Conflicts Citizens of Ukrainian rebel zones elect presidents and parliaments

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Denis Puschilin Friday in Donetsk Denis Puschilin Friday in Donetsk

Denis Puschilin Friday in Donetsk

Source: AFP / Archive

The Acting Heads of State in Donetsk and Luhansk are the favorites of the race

TAccording to harsh criticism from Kiev and the West, pro-Russian rebels from east of Ukraine have called residents to elections on Sunday. The rebels were asked to redefine the presidents and parliaments of the so-called "People's Republics" of Donetsk and Luhansk.

The EU and the United States consider the elections in Donbbad as a violation of the Minsk peace agreement and called for a boycott. Federica Mogherini, head of the EU's foreign policy, said Saturday that the vote was "illegal and illegal". The EU will not recognize the result. US special envoy Kurt Volker called the election a "joke". Russia is speaking against the legal elections.

In Donetsk, the current president, the "President" Denis Puschilin, who had the habit of negotiating with the Kiev government. In Luhansk, the current "president" Leonid Pasetschnik is also the most promising candidate for the race.

Both are currently in transition only in power: Puschilin, 37, is at the head of the "People's Republic" of Donetsk, his predecessor Alexander Zakharchenko having been killed during an attack in August. Pasekhnik, 48, took office at Igor Plotnytsky in Luhansk, which was overthrown in November 2017.

The polling station in Donetsk, where Puschilin is expected to vote, was being monitored by hooded fighters with Kalashnikovs on Sunday. In addition to the ballot, all voters also received a ticket for a draw in which theater and concert tickets were drawn.

The conflict in the east of Ukraine began in April 2014. Since then, more than 10,000 people have been killed. More recently, four soldiers were killed Saturday during fighting in Luhansk and Donetsk. The Minsk agreement of February 2015 aimed to appease the conflict, but it continues to violate its obligations.

EU states on Thursday extended their sanctions against 155 Russians and Ukrainians in connection with the conflict. The immigration and property bans imposed on them remain in effect for six months. The accounts of 44 companies and organizations are still blocked.

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