Congressional Elections: America at a Crossroads


Vor 14 years ago, a largely unknown young Senator, Barack Obama, delivered a speech at the Democratic Party Congress, which capitulated to him in the spotlight of American politics; first and foremost because he vehemently denied that America is crumbling into liberal leftists and conservatives, Republicans and Democrats. Obama insisted that there is only the United States of America. United.

Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger

Today, while the former Democratic president is campaigning and his supporters are delighted, he sees America at a "crossroads". There is nothing left of reconciliation, there is the disillusioned vision of a society that has fallen into hostile political camps and politico-cultural circles. America has also experienced phases of deep disunity earlier. But that does not make polarization less depressing in the present.

It is in this context that millions of Americans are choosing a new Congress this Tuesday (many have already done so). The election is not the least of a vote on Donald Trump, a referendum on what he said he has tweeted over the past 22 months as president. Democrats have a good chance of winning a majority, at least in one of the houses of Congress.

The Republicans, backed by a strong economy, are certain that this will not happen and that Congress and the White House will remain in their hands. For the party of voters mobilized by Obama, it would be the continuation of a nightmare because Trump embodies the fulfillment of the promise of an America that has returned to its former size.

Donald Trump is not at the beginning of America's division. Many are responsible for the discomfort; it is also motivated by economic, socio-cultural and demographic changes. But as president, Trump did not neutralize the split. Until recently, he rushed against political opponents. He dramatized the subject of immigration as if America threatened to perish here today.

Control over and across the border is an absolutely legitimate interest. But Trump does not concern a reasonable immigration policy. He mixes the concerns (and resentments) of his constituents in a toxic badtail. Congressional elections will measure the amount of poison in politics.

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