Constitutional Judge Voßkuhle accuses the rhetoric of asylum – WORLD


| Duration: 3 minutes

  Andreas Voßkuhle   Andreas Voßkuhle

Andreas Voßkuhle, President of the Federal Constitutional Court, criticizes "unacceptable rhetoric" in the debate on asylum. Photo: Uli Deck

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

"Reign of Injustice", "anti-deportation industry" – in the debate on migration, the high-level staff of the CSU has made his proofs. The president of the highest German court is not amused – and is quickly reprimanded by the Minister of the Interior.

B erlin (dpa) – Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) strongly criticized Constitutional Court President Andreas Voßkuhle on the wording of CSU politicians in the debate over the asylum

who is also constitutional minister, the "Süddeutsche Zeitung". "But Mr Voßkuhle's recent criticisms seem inappropriate to me, because the president of such a court should not be the language police."

The President of the Federal Constitutional Court had the expression "rule of injustice", Seehofer in February 2016 The inclusion of many refugees had previously been described as unacceptable rhetoric. "He wants to stir up badociations with the Nazi-injustice state, which are completely bizarre," said Voßkuhle the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", not to mention Seehofer or other CSU politicians by name. With regard to asylum lawyers and aid to refugees, Alexander Dobrindt, head of the State Party CSU, used the term "anti-deportation industry": "He who claims constitutional guarantees n & # 39; 39 "need not be insulted."

"The suggestion that I wanted to use this rhetoric to conjure up badociations with the state of Nazi injustice does not seem to me to be acceptable", a- he told the Süddeutsche Zeitung. In the "Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung", the head of the CSU, who was largely responsible for the EU asylum dispute, advocated a careful choice of words in the refugee debate: "We have to stay on track."

"The problem of populism is not that it is fighting with hard bandages." Emotional debates are nothing new. But the populists also claim a role of "direct representatives of the people". "Whoever criticizes them is therefore an enemy of the people and must be fought." Such ideas would be found in many new identity and illiberal movements. Democratic parties must offer populists "concrete options for action".

Vosskuhle did not want to give a conclusive badessment of the possible illegal expulsion of Sami A., allegedly the bodyguard of Al-Qaida terrorist leader Osama bin Laden. because the circumstances are not yet completely cleared up. Basically, however, he said: "Judicial decisions, whether from the courts of first instance or the Federal Constitutional Court, must be accepted and enforced by other sovereigns. Otherwise, it is a violation of the promise of the rule of law that we have made in the Federal Republic. A violation that can not be tolerated.

When the rule of law is under pressure, for example, from terrorist attacks or a strong immigration, fundamental questions are asked, said Voßkuhle. "These are tests of resistance in real-life conditions." The discussions on migration, however, have had a "rather acute effect on him and are not appropriate to the complexity of the situation." In doing so, we expect the constitutional state that it can not afford it. "It is not a question of the rule of law, if it is possible to formulate a European solution to the question of refugees.It is a question of politics!"

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