Consumer advocates warn of alleged rebates



The recommended retail price is often incorrect on the Internet.

The Manufacturer's Recommended Retail Price (RRP) is used by many online retailers to attract customers with discounts. The alleged real price barred, besides the selling price in the store, the offers are often presented. But EIA is not always reliable, as revealed by a sample of the consumer center of North Rhine-Westphalia. Consumer advocates said they've selected 20 products from different categories, including toasters, televisions and bike helmets, and reviewed several awards. For every third offer, the EIA has been specified. In any case, however, they turned out to be wrong. Consumer advocates found information both too high and too low

So customers should not trust information blindly, advises experts at the consumer center. It would be better to compare prices at different retailers. For every second test product, even an EIA-free online store was the cheapest provider.


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