Controversy over Israeli law: Prime Minister Netanyahu reprimands EU ambassadors




Netanyahu: "The EU intervenes in Israeli legislation." (Photo: picture alliance / dpa)

Friday, July 13, 2018

Emanuele Giaufret should have questioned Israel's "nationality law". This smacks of racism and harms Israel's reputation, said the EU ambbadador. With his statements, he made himself a powerful opponent.

Israel wants to order a reprimand to the EU ambbadador, Emanuele Giaufret, because he has criticized reports according to racist tendencies in the planned "nationality law". Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has asked the State Department to bring Giaufret, said his office. Giaufret reportedly told members of the ruling Likud party that the law "smacks of racism" and could undermine Israel's international reputation, Israeli media reported. Israel dissociates itself from the law of accepted norms of a democracy. This was particularly discriminatory towards Israeli Arabs. About 20% of Israelis are Arabs. The so-called "nationality law" provides, among other things, that communities and cities can exclude people because of their religion.

Even President Reuven Rivlin criticizes the paragraph and warns, inter alia, Netanyahu Groups, according to media reports. The law also defines Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people. Arabic would no longer officially be the official language, only Hebrew. Netanyahu commented on the EU ambbadador's advocacy: "Not enough, that the EU is funding non-governmental organizations seeking to undermine the Israeli state and fund illegal constructions" , she said. is now also involved in Israeli legislation, "said his office. The office of the EU ambbadador did not respond on request.


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