Court decision: the ex-bodyguard must be recovered


The former bodyguard of Osama bin Laden was deported to Tunisia this morning only – he must now be brought back to Germany. On the other hand, the authorities of North Rhine-Westphalia want to lodge a complaint

Sami A., former presumed body guard of Osama Bin Laden, must be repatriated to Tunisia. This was decided by the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court. The deportation of Tunisians had been "grossly illegal" and violated the "fundamental principles of the rule of law," the judges ruled.

Sami A. was therefore to be "immediately returned to the Federal Republic of Germany at the expense of the authority of the aliens". The Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court had already ruled Thursday night that Sami A. could not be deported due to threats of torture in his home country. But the decision was made only Friday morning, while Sami A. was already on his way to his native country. The Ministry of Refugees of North Rhine-Westphalia announced in the evening that it would file a complaint against the decision of the Administrative Court of Gelsenkirchen, together with the immigration authorities of the city of Bochum, to bring back A. in Germany must be. According to the law on residence, the authorities were forced to deport, said the ministry.

Did the fax arrive too late?

The deportation authority stated that she was not aware of the prohibition of deportation. The return to Tunisia was based on a previous court order of Gelsenkirchen

Apparently, the BAMF was informed only during the current deportation, that the man can not be returned for the moment. The administrative court in Gelsenkirchen informed the BAMF in the morning at 8:10 by fax by computer – at a time when Sami A. was apparently already by plane chartered by Dusseldorf en route to Tunisia. He was detained there

. Clbadified as a persecutor

Sami A. lived in Bochum for years with his wife and children. The Tunisian has been clbadified by the authorities as a so-called threat. He was arrested and sent to a detention center at the end of June, after the BAMF lifted the ban on deportation. Sami A., on the other hand, has recently filed an urgent application to the Administrative Court.

Inforadio reported on this subject at 5:12 pm on July 13, 2018.

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