Criminal duty: China seeks allies against the United States


P President Donald Trump's trade policy brings Germany and China closer together. Chancellor Angela Merkel and Chinese Premier Li Keqianq claimed free trade during a visit to Berlin from a delegation of the Chinese government

. It was therefore important that China and Germany respect the rules of the WTO. "We are interested in a harmonious trade," said the Chancellor.

For the fifth time, the head of the Chinese government and the German chancellor meet for government consultations. But with the routine, the meeting does not have much to do this time – it's a crisis meeting, especially for the Chinese side. The meeting takes place in Berlin, but a few days after the start of punitive US tariffs against China.

Germany and the whole of the EU are facing US protectionism, while it was totally unknown to the Allies.

is welcome in China

The two exporting powers China and Germany are threatened by the end of their economic model. It's a huge threat to both. However, Berlin still hopes that the EU can at least limit the problem of negotiations with the United States. Therefore, the federal government also wants to avoid being caught by US President Donald Trump with bad friends.

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  Chancellor Merkel and Prime Minister Li Keqiang: The Chinese come to Berlin with gifts

in Beijing, on the other hand, seek allies in the trade war. "Free trade is important for both parties and for the revival of the global economy," Li said. German high-tech and high-tech products are welcome in China.

The country is ready to take this partnership. A total of 22 joint agreements worth about $ 30 billion were in the possession of the delegation – including 11 intergovernmental agreements and 11 economic agreements. In particular, the joint agreements in the field of automotive technology and telecommunications stand out.

Among intergovernmental agreements, that of automated driving is important. Among other things, Siemens and the Chinese group Alibaba sign an agreement on the so-called Internet of Things

The ads of the Chinese may seem sober, but finally show how much China is in partnership with Germany in these difficult times. is located. The key questions now are: will the conditions in the Chinese market for German investors improve in the face of pressure from the United States? And can the Chancellor be charmed by the Chinese charm?

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Opinion Economic Relations

Even though both countries are suffering from US pressure, this interferes with Beijing's intervention the economy for Berlin difficult to trust the People's Republic. The concern of German companies is huge that the Chinese could steal their innovations.

The German economy is not enthusiastic about China

For those who want to develop in the People's Republic, Chinese companies have up to now form joint ventures. It is not uncommon for Chinese partners to aspire to state-of-the-art technology. "We protect intellectual property very strictly, and injuries are severely punished," he told Berlin. But you do not live in the age of craftsmen – you can complement each other. One should not hide his "treasures at home".

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  Donald Trump

The fear of the political influence of the government in Beijing is exacerbated by the "Made in China 2025" strategy. China aims to become the technology leader in ten strategic industries by 2025. The country is ready to do a lot for this: from the purchase of Western high-tech companies to spying industrial through the targeted purchase of important raw materials: the Chinese seek their success by all means

. complains, until now, not very enthusiastic. There is still the negative list of the Chinese government, which exactly regulates the areas in which foreign companies in China simply can not invest.

Last year, there were 63 industries that were taboo or strictly regulated for foreigners. There are still 48 regions this year. From the point of view of many foreign observers, that is way too much. The German Chamber of Industry and Commerce complains that there are still many sectors of the economy in which more than 5,000 German companies can not be active without restrictions.

Merkel sees progress

That is why Merkel quoted the Chinese press conference In particular, the prime minister addressed the letter of intent for the creation of a second BASF website Verbund in Guangdong. "We think we have innovated," said Merkel.

The agreement between BASF and Guangdong, which is not a joint venture, expresses that there are now new opportunities for participation in China. "This shows that the opening of the Chinese market is not only a matter of words, but also of action."

In 2017, goods worth 86 billion Euro were exported from Germany to China. Bilateral trade of nearly 190 billion euros last year made China the most important trading partner of Germany.

The human rights situation does not worsen according to Li

human rights. Also on him we spoke, said the German Chancellor after the meeting.

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The wife of the late Nobel Peace Prize laureate Liu Xiaobo still lives under house arrest. Xinjiang Province, home to the Muslim Uyghur minority, is said to have re-education and imprisonment camps, and Beijing is significantly extending control over the entire population.

However, Li pointed out that the human rights situation has not deteriorated. – and shortly after, he told a reporter how to handle an issue that "intimidated" him.

Trump's policy allows Merkel and Li to gather

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After the trade dispute with the United States, China becomes even more important as a trading partner of the German economy. Angela Merkel's visit to Beijing represents billions of investments.

Source: WORLD / Erdmann Hummel

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