Crisis cell meets in London | TIME ONLINE


London / Salisbury (dpa) – After the death of a Briton by poisoning in Nowitschok, the government crisis team, the Cobra Committee, is scheduled to meet in London in the United States. ;afternoon.

The confirmation of the seat of the Government Downing Street 10 at the request of the German News Agency. The woman had died Sunday night at Salisbury Hospital, Scotland Yard announced. Investigations showed that she had come into contact with the explosive Nowitschok. The police are now investigating the murder. British Prime Minister Theresa May was worried. "I am shocked and shocked," she said.
The 44-year-old woman from Amesbury and her 45-year-old companion were admitted to Salisbury District Hospital last Saturday with symptoms of intoxication. She leaves three children. The man is still in critical condition, according to a police spokesman.

Investigators believe that the couple accidentally came into contact with the deadly nerve toxin. The Amesbury couple could have found a vial or syringe with remnants of the poison used in the badbadination of the Skripals. British media reported that both are drug users.

Former Russian double agent Sergej Skripal (67) and his daughter Julia (33) were found unconscious four months ago on a bench in nearby Salisbury Park. They have barely escaped death and are now living in a secret place. London blames Moscow for the attack. The Kremlin denies this vehemently.

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