CSU politician Stephan Bloch founds the Union of the Middle


Union of the Middle :
The first days in the Union

  CSU politician Stephan Bloch founds the Union of the Middle

Horst Seehofer, head of the CSU
Photo: dpa / Barbara Gindl

Berlin Young CSU politician Stephan Bloch is embarrbaded by the leadership of his party. He does not want a master plan migration – he wants a future master plan.

Stephan Bloch is busy. He rushes from one press conference to the other. Between the two, there is little time for a phone call. The CSU politician turns on the loudspeaker so that the cell phone can lie on the table as he prepares for the next appointment. He is embarrbaded by the behavior of CSU leader Horst Seehofer, CSU group president Alexander Dobrindt and Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder in the asylum dispute. which almost dismantled the union and the federal government. This was triggered by Seehofer's 63-point master plan, which was a decisive issue in the rejection of refugees at the border in a national solo effort. In the end, a compromise has been painstakingly found: Germany does not make a solo effort, but coordinates with its EU partners. Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) insisted.

Bloch says, "Even if I see things differently from Angela Merkel – I pay her homage for her factual work." He finds: "We do not need a master plan for asylum policy, the future.A master plan for refugee policy would have been needed in 2015. Now, problems are decreasing. slowly, but Horst Seehofer and Alexander Dobrindt replace ideology with content The Federal UFC has broken a lot. "

Throughout the country, Bloch received support in the CDU. For example, Karin Prien, Minister of Science of Schleswig-Holstein. She says: "We do not want to accept the policy of the CSU leadership with its anti-European stance, its rejection of multilateralism, a brutal language and clandestine dealings with the Chancellor and other leaders of the Union. CDU. " voters do not drink either. Now she gets the receipt in the surveys. Three months before the election of the Bavarian state does not vote for CSU, according to a poll by Infratest Dimap for Bayerischer Rundfunk's controversial political magazine, only 38% of voters vote. Thus, Söder's chances of defending the sole UHC government are decreasing.

Prien emphasizes: "Now let's do the opposite and position ourselves as a Union of the Middle". The CDU can withstand platforms like the Middle Union, but also to groups like the WertUnion. "What is important is that we, as the popular movement of the Union of Values ​​and its monothematic" Merkel-must-go-narrative ", are now opposing a compelling program."

Its president, Alexander Mitsch Call the Union of the Left. The Union values ​​is the liberal-conservative wing of the CDU and CSU – in the tradition of Ludwig Erhard – and it is the true center of the Union. "But it was good for the party to talk again." The union has been far from touching for too long. The Secretary General of the Economic Council of the CDU, Wolfgang Steiger, notes: "This dissection of the CDU is a symptom that it is no longer integrated from above."

Master plan of the future of Bloch. Incidentally, this looks like this: Free initial training, because the free career choice is not so free, if you have to choose a profession, if you can afford the training. For the future, he also calls for moving away from conventional breeding to adopt animal husbandry practices adapted to butchery and slaughter animals. In addition, comprehensive medical care in the villages. And this: a contentious Europe with inner peace, in which the nationalists would have a house and not fear the refugees. "Citizens do not just want a plan of action for refugees Citizens want a complete offer."


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