CSU politician strongly criticizes Seehofer and Söder and respects Merkel – News Ticker


Interior Minister Horst Seehofer is the victim of a campaign and has no guilt in federal policy for the investigation conducted by the UHC. Does he retire in case of a debacle in the state election? All news in the news ticker.

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The pressure on CSU boss Horst Seehofer is also increasing inside the party. CSU politician Stephan Bloch accused Seehofer in the

Rheinische Post

of making politics with ideology instead of content. "We do not need a master plan for asylum policy, but a blueprint for the future," Bloch said. "A blueprint for refugee policy would have been needed in 2015. Now the problems are slowly diminishing." But the leader of the Seehofer and CSU country group, Alexander Dobrindt, "replaces ideology with content." Bloch had recently founded the CDU / CSU Union of the Middle Platform

.The 29-year-old man complained: "The Federal UFC has broken a lot." He sees many things differently than the Chancellor and the CDU Angela Merkel But for a future plan, Bloch called, among other things, for free initial education, comprehensive medical care and "a contentious Europe with inner peace, in which even nationalists have their homes and are not afraid of refugees. "He added," Citizens do not just want a refugee policy plan. Citizens want a complete package. "

Italy refuses to accept the migrants from the European mission Sophia [61959009] 18h47: Italy intends to refuse rescued migrants on board ships of the European naval mission Sophia.The Italian Foreign Minister, Enzo Moavero Milanesi, told Federica Mogherini, head of the EU's foreign policy, three days ago, World citing a letter from the newspaper More recently, refugee rescue vessels have been rejected by non-governmental organizations

6:39 pm: Libya defends itself against criticism in refugee policy and clearly rejects EU refugee centers in his country The internationally recognized head of the Government of Libya, Fajis al-Sarradsch, defended his country's coastguard on allegations that the Coast Guard would have left behind he said people to

Bild : "These are huge allegations that are not true and have already been clarified by our Coast Guard. We save hundreds of people off the coast of Libya every day. But the country needs more technical and financial support. A Spanish organization had accused the Libyan Coast Guard of leaving two women and a child on the high seas during a deployment.

Al-Sarradsch called for a comprehensive plan to solve the refugee crisis. Libya is only the transit country that people used for their escape. "We have created refugee shelters for tens of thousands of people, but there are hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants in our country, which is seriously aggravating the security situation, including terrorists, criminals and criminals. smugglers. "

Asked what he thinks of the possible anchoring centers in his country, al-Sararyy said," No, we will not have that. "We are absolutely opposed to the fact that Europe wants to officially host illegal migrants that we do not want to have in the EU. "

The Critical Protestant Church CSU

Friday, 6:13: The President of the Council of the Evangelical Church Germany (EKD), Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, has accused the CSU of a unilateral stance in refugee politics. "In recent months, UHC has always heard about how to keep refugees away from us when it comes to refugee policies," said Bedford-Strohm, also Bavarian regional bishop. Die Welt "There was little mention of the fact that we also have a humanitarian obligation to accept." Some statements by the CSU would have caused concern "that empathy is lost."

The President of the Council of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), Heinrich Bedford-Strohm

© epd / Thomas Lohnes

Even within the CSU, according to Bedford-Strohm, "the rulers of the church were rightly complaining that in recent months the basic tone was in public The debate was changed to find the voters of the AfD. "However, this did not happen only revealed unsuccessful for the CSU, "but was also inappropriate in terms of content." Because "the basic Christian orientation, which stands with the CSU in the name of the party, contains the commitment of". using appropriate language. "

He expressly states" the need to control migration, "says the president of the EKD Council, but they release" not responsibility for those who are in need. "[19659008] The news of Thursday

15.02 clock: The CSU can in Party leader Horst Seehofer's opinion not their bad The survey results may be confusing. This is only in 2008 with the entry of free voters into the Bavarian state parliament and now with the blooming of the AfD that 's a new situation arose, said Seehofer Thursday in Munich. This must be treated as an established political force. "But this is not being irritated by so many exhortations from any angle, but by doing what one is convinced," explained the head of the CSU and federal minister of the United States. # 39; Interior.

12:58: As a result of the asylum and expulsion procedures of Hungary, the European Commission is pursuing the right-wing national government in Budapest before the European Court of Justice. Most of the problems have not been solved, the Brussels authorities said on Thursday. One of the problems is that Hungarian asylum procedures are only carried out in transit zones at the country's external borders. The case is in violation of EU law.

The Commission also opened another infringement procedure against Budapest over a controversial law against refugee workers. The law restricts the right of asylum seekers to "communicate with, and receive support from, relevant national, international and non-governmental organizations". Hungary now has two months to give its opinion.

In June, the Hungarian parliament, with the votes of the right-wing majority and the far-right Jobbik party, pbaded a law providing for criminal sanctions for "help for illegal immigration". The legislative package is also called the "Stop Soros Package" – alluding to American liberal billionaire George Soros, who supports non-governmental organizations around the world and has Hungarian roots.

11:27: The admission of Tunisia, Morocco and Algeria to the list of safe countries of origin could eventually depend on the Greens of Hesse. While the black and green state government of Baden-Württemberg supports the German government's plan, the Greens refuse to do so in Rhineland-Palatinate, Hamburg, Berlin, Thuringia and Schleswig-Holstein, as reported it on Thursday . 19659007] In black and green judged Hessen has not yet decided a decision. "If the Bundestag has decided on the initiative, we will advise the Hesse coalition how we are going to deal with it," said Hessens Green spokesman Volker Schmidt. The Greens of Saxony-Anhalt said that the country "probably would not" in the Bundesrat.

9:48: After a violent conflict of asylum, a CDU minister expressed dissatisfaction with the violent conflict in the Union. In recent weeks, "the red lines have been exceeded and in terms of content, language and manner of dealing," said Minister of Education Schleswig-Holstein Karin Prien of taz in an interview published Thursday – obviously in view mainly of the leaders of the CSU.This is one of the reasons why she supports the initiative "Union der Mitte".

Karin Prien , Minister of Education of Schleswig-Holstein

© dpa / Carsten Rehder

"I have the impression that women are particularly rebellious to deal with each other", Prien said to the question, why in the asylum dispute of the Union hardly speaks women. "I'm holding on to this: this kind of imprudent relationship with each other, the creaky language of the past few weeks is unacceptable to many women and men." That must be different. the 53-year-old call in the conversation, the Union must set its own agenda – one should not "the object of right-wing populists", said Prien.

6.14 Clock: Horst Seehofer rejected criticism of Markus Söder, according to which federal policy is to blame for the depth of investigation of the CSU.He sees no headwind for the election of the state Bavarian, said Seehofer on Augsburger Allgemeine (Thursday edition). "Bayern is dazzling and Markus Söder relies on an absolute majority, which we brought under my direction in 2013", Seehofer said: Bavaria could "act like this, the state government does not depend on a partner of the coalition, which is a great advantage for the election campaign ". At the same time, the Interior Minister rejected the possibility that he resigns from his position as party leader during the parliamentary elections in Bavaria: "This is one of those tales that are told everywhere now that I do not participate ". He was convinced that "the absolute majority is always possible" for the CSU.

Three months before the October elections, the CSU is far from being an absolute majority in the polls. Söder had previously attributed the results of his recent party to political decisions at the federal level

18:02: Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier highlighted the principle of the rule of law. He did not want to comment on the case because he did not know enough, said Steinmeier of Pbadauer Neue Presse (Thursday). "I just want to say that the principle of the rule of law is what sets us apart from other forms of government, including so-called illiberal democracies.The independence of judges and the binding nature of judicial decisions, whatever or their outcome, are one of the main principles that we must not give up. "

The Events of Wednesday, July 18, 2018

19:11: Horst Seehofer is victim of a death penalty. a campaign of his political opponents. Augsburger Allgemeine (Thursday): "Whoever wants to see it sees that it is a campaign that goes against me and my Party." Unfortunately, individuals from the CSU would have been included for that. "Many critics miss exactly what they charge me: decency and style," complains Seehofer. The Interior Minister stressed that he was working well with Chancellor Angela Merkel despite the asylum dispute: "Ms. Merkel and I are often sitting at the Chancery and we say: Nobody believes us now that despite the differences, we normally talk to each other, discussing things soberly and factually, then saying goodbye friendly. "Contrary to what is sometimes said, the overthrow of the Chancellor has never been an option for me and the break with the CDU was not. "

15h56: The Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf) wants one to recover illegally expelled asylum seekers from Afghanistan "The Bamf wants to initiate the necessary steps for recovery," said Wednesday the spokeswoman for the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Eleonore Petermann, on the plaintiff's case. asylum deported from Neubrandenburg in Mecklembou rg-West Pomerania.

Deportation of endangerment: Seehofer wants to regulate responsibility again

14:22: Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) can imagine that the government federal government is responsible for the deportation of the so-called danger. He was pleased with the proposal, said Seehofer Wednesday in Berlin. Endangering are people, that security authorities trust serious crimes until the terrorist attack.

SPD domestic politician Burkhard Lischka had demanded in the "world", Seehofer should "the jurisdiction for the 100 exiles demanding exit after consultation with the provinces we would have clear conditions and responsibilities". In addition, the federal government "certainly more weight than the different federal states, when there is rapid agreement with the original countries concerned, should be expelled at risk." The CDU's interior politician, Armin Schuster, finds: "The threat of deportation should be a federal affair."

Seehofer explained: "The difficulty is that, of course, such facts in danger have been dragging on for years. "It says: The federation offers to the countries to take charge of the deportation of these people in danger.The real act of operational deportation." The police and the foreigners care about the right but must continue to lie with countries, because the federal government does not have the capacity. The Federal Government could only badume tasks in agreement with the countries

Deportation of the Sami A .: The city of Bochum wants to prevent the return

13.59 clock: The city of Bochum wants to prevent the deportees in Tunisia Sami A. is brought back to Germany. The city filed a complaint with the Higher Administrative Court of Münster on Wednesday against the urgent decision of the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court, according to which the eviction must be annulled. This was announced by the OVG in Münster. Before the court decides, he wants to wait for the reason. The deadline for the city of Bochum ends on August 13th.

13.55 Clock: In the expulsion of an Afghan from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, according to the Federal Minister of the Interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU) "an error s & # 39; is manifested in the authorities ". Not even the federal state authorities were aware of the mistake of the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf), said Seehofer Wednesday in Berlin. Thus, the Bamf misidentified the identity of the man.

Regarding his own role, Seehofer said: "I can not go now and say: now I personally check every case that has been reported, I beg your pardon." has promised: "Conversely, if something turns out to be illegal, I will always enforce law and order."

Neubrandenburg asylum seeker in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern would be illegal his homeland Afghanistan has been expelled. This was confirmed by a spokeswoman for the Greifswald Administrative Court. As a result, the Bamf has, despite judicial opinion, badumed that the 20-year-old refugee's asylum application was legally rejected.

The man complained to his lawyer but last year he objected to the rejection. This has also been confirmed by the Greifswald administrative court. At this point in the proceedings, the man should not have been deported, said a court spokesman in the NDR. According to the station's research, the 20-year-old man is one of 69 people who traveled to Kabul on July 3.

Seehofer: No interference with the deportation of Sami A.

13:32: [19459007FederalMinisterInnerHorstSeehofer(CSU)asoulignéqu'ithadnoinfluenceontheexportoftheSamiAtisiensisLegallycontroversialThecasewas"politicallyimportant"saidSeehofermannWednesdayBerlin"Surleplanoperationaljen&#39;39;aimsoasinfluencedtheAuthority"AtthesametimetheFederalMinisterfortheInteriordeclaredthathewastherepresentativeoftheGovernmentofNorthRhine-Westphaliainthiscase

Cardinal Marx criticizes Seehofer and Söder – the joy of 69 deportations" highly inappropriate "

13.08: [19459008TheGermanbishops'conferenceCardinalReinhardMarxcriticizedCSUheadHorstSeehoferandBavarianPrimeMinisterMarkusSöderfortheirwordingOnthesamedaytheFederalMinisteroftheInteriorSeehoferhadcelebratedhis69thbirthdaywith69deportationscallingthe"ArchbishopofMunich"improperintheweeklynewspaper"DieZeit"

For Söder's vocabulary "asylum tourism" no understanding. "It sounds like people traveling during the holidays," says Marx. But many have risked their lives, many die on the way. At the same time, he warned the CSU against a progressive legal evolution. "In my opinion, it's better to go to the right, because the zeitgeist is going to the right – that's a misconception," Marx told the newspaper. "A party who has decided on C in the name, makes an obligation," warned Marx. "Being nationalist and Catholic can not be done"

12:59: Interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) announced further action after the Cabinet decision to clbadify the Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Georgia among the safe countries of origin. Mr Seehofer said on Wednesday that he would introduce a bill in the fall, according to which these countries should be placed on the list of safe countries, which have a lower recognition rate of asylum at 5%

. For example, close coordination with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was necessary as an badessment of the political situation in the respective countries was necessary. The Minister of the Interior did not want to say which countries could be affected by the planned regulation

Deportation of Sami A .: Seehofer defends North Rhine-Westphalia

12:40: And quickly a reaction from Horst Seehofer follows. According to the Interior Minister, North Rhine-Westphalia acted lawfully in the controversial deportation of Islamist Sami A. "The decision is in our view legal," said Seehofer on Wednesday. Berlin. However, he did not want to evaluate details in detail, he pointed out, referring to the current procedure. "Now the courts are on the ball."

Seehofer said that he himself found a note on his desk last Wednesday. As a result, the deportation flight originally scheduled for Thursday, July 12 was canceled. In fact, Sami A. was later deported early Friday morning (13 July).

He was not able to verify on a case-by-case basis whether people who wanted to expel countries could be deported, added Mr. Seehofer. He had not discussed the case with the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (Bamf). Immigration authorities are also responsible for issues concerning the execution of the deportation

"Mbadive communication problems" between Bamf and the Ministry

12:16: News of the deportation chaos around Sami A., the former bodyguard of Osama bin Laden: According to a report of Bild the Ministry of Childhood, Family, Refugees and the 39 Integration in North Rhine-Westphalia probably retained important information in the case Sami A.

Joachim is under pressure Stamp, which is responsible for the ministry. According to Sami A., there were mbadive communication problems between the Federal Office for Migration (BAMF) and the Ministry of Stamps. The plane that Sami A. originally planned to transport to Tunisia on July 12 had already been rented by the Federal Police on July 9 on behalf of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. However, according to image the BAMF apparently did not know the private jet ordered before Thursday afternoon, despite the direct request of the Stamp Department in charge of the deportation.

Sami A. was known to be deported to Tunisia on July 13, despite a court order. However, the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court had expelled on 12 July. The BAMF had postponed the release date to July 13 in the short term, but did not announce the new date

The government wants to define the Maghreb countries as a country of origin

10:38 am: The Federal Government wants Tunisia, Algeria Morocco and Georgia declare "safe country of origin". Their goal is to speed up the asylum procedures of people in these countries. What's more, anyone who comes from one of these states can be more easily deported. The cabinet pbaded a bill on Wednesday, which had already met opposition from the Greens and the Left.

According to Pro Asyl, it provides a deadline for those who already have a job or have signed a learning contract. Although asylum seekers and tolerated from safe countries of origin are in fact a work ban, they should continue to work. The deadline is this Wednesday. The organization of refugee rights rejects the project. It considers that "accelerated procedures with de facto reversal of the burden of proof" do not properly badess the situation of individual asylum seekers.

Ghana, Senegal, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Albania are the countries to which the European Union and Kosovo belong as the so-called safe country of origin. In 2017, the government's attempt to declare the three Maghreb states of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco a safe country of origin failed in the Bundesrat

08.54: The SPD calls for "Clear circumstances and responsibilities" for exiles threatened to leave the country, Interior expert Burkhard Lischka of the SPD sees the responsibility of the Ministry of the Interior Horst Seehofer. Green and FDP have concerns in this regard. They expressed skepticism about the World .

The Events of Tuesday, July 17, 2018

19:01: There may be another case of refugee possibly deported illegally. According to research by the station NDR Afghans from Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania were brought back to Kabul last week with 68 compatriots. The procedure by which the 20 year old complained of his negative asylum decision was not completed at that time. Therefore, "no deportation should have been allowed", said a spokesman for Greifswald Administrative Court

Seehofer does not want expulsion of workers and trainees

18.18: If Georgia, Morocco and Tunisia Federal Foreign Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU) wants to exempt employees, trainees and future apprentices from evictions. This report reports the newspapers of the editorial network Germany (Wednesday editions), citing the draft law of the Federal Ministry of the Interior, which should be decided by the federal Cabinet Wednesday

asylum seekers and tolerated who have received qualified professional training with the approval of the foreign authority. According to the bill, it should be possible to continue it. "It will also allow the start of qualified vocational training in 2018 for which a professional training contract was concluded on the date of the Cabinet decision on this law." In addition, those working on the day of the Cabinet decision should be able to stay

16:56: The controversial deportation of Islamist Sami A. to Tunisia continues to provoke a fierce debate. The green boss Robert Habeck spoke right. The federal FDP, however, took the protection of North Rhine-Westphalian Refugee Minister Joachim Stamp (FDP). The executive director of the FDP's parliamentary group, Marco Buschmann, said: "We need more politicians who actually respect the rule of law and less than talk about it."

Stamp acted according to the law to expel a threat, Group Chairman Stephan Thomae said: "The helpfulness of our country, of course, is not unlimited." The rule of law must also be capable of "substantial deportation."

The state government in Düsseldorf faces Friday, The SPD and the Greens have called for a special session of the Legal Affairs Committee; Opposition factions suspect a violation of the law and want to investigate the suspicion that repatriation can only succeed because federal and state authorities have deceived the competent court [15/15/15] 15:40: The deportation of Sami A., In our event chronology you get a temporal insight of the events

Bamf scandal, deportations, asylum disputes: Organized resistance against Seehofer in the CSU

15.05 clock : For weeks dominated the dispute over asylum and asylum German policy – starting with the Bamf scandal, about the threat of a single entry of rejection at the border by Horst Seehofer's anger at the CSU's too violent tone in Dauerzoff.

Some members of the CDU and CSU seem to be fed up. An initiative by Munich CSU member Stephan Bloch again wants the sister parties to focus on other issues of the Federal Republic. "Union of the Center", is the name of the project. "The populist slogans and the eternal search for the culprits are embarrbading, what we need are factual debates and a fair dialogue," Bloch said in an interview published Tuesday with the Frankfurter newspaper Allgemeine Zeitung

Bloch severely criticizes the direction of the CSU. "Horst Seehofer and Alexander Dobrindt have recently opposed the contestation, splitting and linguistic brutality, Markus Söder also used unacceptable expressions." His request: "Instead of an offensive competition with the good side, it must be oriented towards politics."

According to the founder of the initiative, the number of supporters is high. "Ministers, mayors, members of the European Parliament or the state parliament have joined, and of course a large number of members of the base." Prime Minister NRW Armin Laschet also supported the project on Twitter [1965] @UnionderMitte read correctly, it is more Adenauer policy, ostrich and cabbage, pro-European, against the Unilateralism and the unilateral closure of borders, against the right and the "conservative revolution", for open Schengen-Europe. – Armin Laschet (@ArminLaschet) 15. July 2018

15h00: The Federal Government again tries to clbadify the three Maghreb states of Tunisia, Algeria and Morocco among the countries Originally safe. At the federal cabinet meeting on Wednesday also, Georgia should be added to the list. This could speed up asylum procedures for refugees from the respective countries.

However, over the last few years, the Greens have prevented their not to the Federal Council to declare other countries safe countries of origin. They referred to the situation of human rights in Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia.

The federal government, on the other hand, argues that asylum procedures for the inhabitants of these states almost always result in a refusal. The success of the initiative to extend the list of safe countries of origin is also uncertain this time

Kubicki: Seehofer partially responsible for the mistakes of Bamf and other authorities

14h00: Le vice-FDP Wolfgang Kubicki dit à la station rbb Radioeins , Le ministre fédéral de l&#39;Intérieur Horst Seehofer (CSU) et la chancelière Angela Merkel (CDU) ont voulu une expulsion rapide du présumé garde du corps du chef terroriste Oussama Ben Laden. Cela a certainement contribué au fait que les fonctionnaires, en particulier à l&#39;Office fédéral des migrations et des réfugiés (Bamf), ne remplissent plus correctement leurs fonctions. Il a poursuivi: "Si les tribunaux ne peuvent plus compter sur les autorités pour leur clarifier la vérité, alors il semble sombre en Allemagne."

Kubicki croit à la débâcle CSU dans l&#39;élection d&#39;Etat – également à cause du conflit d&#39;asile [19659089] Pour le vice-président du FDP, Wolfgang Kubicki, la CSU se trouve dans l&#39;élection d&#39;état en Bavière d&#39;une défaite amère. "Si même les membres les plus durs de la CSU disent: Cette fois, vous ne pouvez pas voter, alors c&#39;est remarquable", a déclaré Kubicki, l&#39;agence de presse allemande.

Une défaite importante de la CSU serait la perte de la majorité absolue. plus de 40 pour cent. Selbst CSU-Mitglieder hätten ihm signalisiert, dbad sie mit Ministerpräsident Markus Söder nicht besonders zufrieden seien, sagte Kubicki. So schüttelten sie den Kopf über die Vorgabe, in Behörden christliche Kreuze anzubringen.

Kubicki hatte seine Parteifreunde in Bayern in der vorigen Woche drei Tage im beginnenden Landtagswahlkampf unterstützt. Dabei habe er einen Stimmungswandel ausgemacht. „Interessanterweise scheint es so zu sein, dbad die Sicherheit, die die CSU lange ausgestrahlt hat, sie werde die Landtagswahl im Oktober erfolgreich gestalten, geschwunden ist.“

„Menschen wie du und ich, die ich außerhalb der Veranstaltungen traf, haben immer wieder den Eindruck vermittelt, dbad sie das Schauspiel in Berlin mit dem Konflikt zwischen Angela Merkel und Horst Seehofer in dieser Dramatik nicht verstanden haben“, sagte Kubicki. Viele könnten mit den Berliner Debatten und deren Härte nicht viel anfangen. „Sie haben ganz andere Alltagsprobleme – dbad Unterricht ausfällt, Lehrer nicht den Herausforderungen dieser Zeit genügen, Verkehrsverbindungen teilweise nicht funktionieren und es in Bayern wie anderswo extrem viele Funklöcher gibt“, sagte Kubicki. „Deshalb reiben sich viele die Augen, dbad mit solchen Problemen, die für die Zukunft wichtig sind, nicht richtig umgegangen wird.“


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