Cuba: A new constitution to strengthen the private sector


The new constitution of the socialist island state of Cuba is supposed to allow more private property. The state property is expected to continue to have priority, the state internet platform "Cubadebate" Saturday.

There should be new freedoms, among others, in the

  • work for their own account, the so-called cuentapropismo. This includes, among others, the renting of a room ( casas particulares ) or the operation of a bar, which simplifies the issuance of licenses, reduced in part taxes, what is called
  • . the role of the free market in constitutional reform. The newspaper's first draft also underscored the importance of foreign investment for Cuba's development, writes the state-run Granma newspaper.

The Cuban economy is still largely owned by the state. Many areas can not be ordered properly due to high bureaucratic requirements. Production facilities often lack spare parts.

More freedom of religion?

Constitutional reform also provides for freedom of religion, writes the state. Discrimination on the basis of bad should also be prohibited.

However, official sources have not yet said whether the marriage will be presented to all. Especially some parishes in Cuba refuse to allow same-bad couples to marry.

With the newly formulated Constitution, the political office of a prime minister should also be created, as reported "Cubadebate".

According to the draft constitution, the country's president should now be entitled only to two terms of five years each – instead of any number as before.

The project will be presented to Parliament at the end of July. After that, the people must vote on him.

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