Date: 23.07.2018 01:45 Hours

The deputies from the socialist island state blessed the project unanimously. Now the people must be called. Previously, the Communist Party had already given its approval.

The Cuban parliament paves the way for a new constitution of the communist state. On Sunday, the deputies of Havana unanimously approved a project that would open the country to the market economy and strengthen the rights of citizens. The head of state, Miguel Díaz-Canel, welcomed this decision

The next step will be to involve the population in the drafting of the new constitution. According to Díaz-Canel, from August 13, anniversary of the death of revolutionary leader Fidel Castro, citizens will be "actively and consciously" involved until November 15

Private property and marriage for all

" freely express their opinions and help to obtain a constitution that reflects the present and the future of the motherland ". At the end of this process, the people will decide on the draft final constitution in a referendum.

The Communist Party has already approved the reform. The new constitution seeks to legalize private property and, among other things, to open the door to same-bad marriage.

The reform also provides for the future division of powers between the president and the head of government. For this, the Prime Minister's Office is reintroduced. The goal of creating a "communist society" has been removed in the new constitution. The previous constitution came in the year 1976.
