"Currency Manipulation": Trump continues to fuel the trade dispute with the EU and China


Berlin –

US President Donald Trump continues to fuel the trade dispute with the EU and China. He reported Friday his willingness to collect duties on all goods from China. He also accused the People's Republic and the EU of currency manipulation.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) said she was looking for a solution at the negotiating table. The head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, will make proposals next week during his trip to Washington on how to start a "discussion process", said Merkel in Berlin. EU countermeasures are "by far the worst solution". Brussels was also ready to talk. Vice President of the European Commission Valdis Dombrovskis said: "The US government has recently raised doubts about the threat of high tariffs on cars and other property." Trump recently threatened to impose a "tariff of 20 percent "on all car imports." Previously, one spoke of up to 25% .This could hit the German auto industry.

Trump talks about manipulated currencies

Now Trump "China, the European Union and others have manipulated their currencies," writes Trump on Twitter.He also mentioned low interest rates, while in the United States United States, interest rates have increased.He told CNBC: "I do not like the fact that we are investing all the work in the economy and then I see how the rates of Interest is increasing. "He also expressed his anger at the rates on Chinese imports. "We have been ripped off by China for a long time," said Trump. "I do not want to scare them, I want them to be good, I really like President Xi, but that (the trade) was very unfair."

With their threats, the US government is disrupting the global economy for a hearing of important trading partners in Washington. Speaking at the Ministry of Commerce on Thursday (local time), among others, representatives of the automotive industry and the EU have expressed great concern over the Trump course. Requests came from China and Germany to counter it in case of further escalation. US Trade Minister Wilbur Ross said that tariff increases are not yet clear

Bernhard Mattes, President of the German Association of Industry Automotive (VDA), highlights the importance of German companies for the US economy. "Our members – manufacturers and suppliers – operate more than 300 plants in the United States," he told the audience. German automakers have produced more than 800,000 US-made vehicles per year and created more than 100,000 jobs in the country – just in production.

US companies based in the People's Republic Trump to China great dangers. "There are no winners in a trade war," said US Chamber of Commerce President William Zarit in Beijing. 80% of American businessmen in China are very worried. (dpa)

NRW Exports

The economy of North Rhine-Westphalia exported goods worth EUR 16.2 billion in May 2018. According to the country's statistics office, was 1.1 percent lower than in May 2017 . With 19.6 billion euros, the value of imports also decreased by 1.1% compared to the previous year. Exports in May 2018, at 10.7 billion euros, were 1.2% higher in trade with EU countries (EU 28) than in May 2017. The value exports to non-EU countries decreased by 5.4 percent to 5.4 billion euros. (EB)

  1. Trump continues to fuel the trade dispute with the EU and China
  2. NRW Exports

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