Current Market Report on Bitcoin & Co. | message


The Bitcoin price climbed on Monday. At noon, Bitcoin climbed to $ 6,529.90 after trading at $ 6,350.05 the day before.

The cash price of Bitcoin climbed to $ 759.44 after being named Yesterday at $ 723.57.


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The Ethereum price is higher compared to the day before. Currently, an Ethereum is worth $ 467.17. Yesterday the price was $ 449.65

The price of Litecoin's digital currency rose to $ 82.02 on Monday. The day before, the price of digital currency was estimated at $ 78.60

The price of digital currency ripple is now $ 0.4579 plus. The day before, the price was $ 0.4472

The Cardano price is $ 0.148. The day before, the Cardano rose to $ 1440

The Monero price is now more expensive at $ 126.57, compared with $ 124.20 the day before.

IOTA action presentation in front of the eve with a green sign. More recently, IOTA rose to $ 1,010 [19659002] The Verge price is $ 0.0235 on Monday. The Verge price climbed to $ 0.0229 the day before

The stellar digital currency rose to $ 0.2279 on Monday. The day before, the price of digital currency was estimated at $ 0.2192

The price of the NEM climbed to $ 0.1668. The day before, it was worth $ 0.1636

The Dash price rose to $ 236.15. The day before, the crypto-wort was worth $ 231.70

The price of digital currency NEO is now trading at $ 34.96. The day before, the price was $ 33.92


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