Current weather: storms determine the week – with nearly 40 degrees


Updated June 18, 2019, 11:50 am

In addition, this week, the weather does not stop: some parts of Germany also have to contend with strong storms, while the thermometer is still on the right track, at least in the US. is from the republic. And next week, it could get even hotter.

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The month of June in East Germany is on the move: it's the hottest June since the start of the weather records in 1881, as reported by the meteorologist Dominik Jung from the portal "". But in the rest of the republic, it is on average 1.5 to 3 degrees higher than the long-term average, it is clearly too hot. And it's hot this week – bad weather included.

That's the weather for the week ahead

the on Monday The situation remains calm for the moment, as the German Meteorological Service (DWD) says. The thermometer rises to a maximum of 25 to 30 degrees. The risk of severe weather is limited to the Alps. There are occasionally thunderstorms in the afternoons, locally also with heavy rains. The night will be slightly cloudy and dry.

the Tuesday starts at the beginning clear, sunny and dry. During the day, clouds form in the spring in the northwest and in a band from the Black Forest to the Alps. Then there are partly heavy showers and thunderstorms. Temperatures are between 27 and 32 degrees. At night, it remains clear in the south and southwest and, apart from a low risk of cold in the northwest, in the rest of the republic largely without precipitation.

the Wednesday The temperature and thunderstorms then reach their maximum. While the day begins in the east and south, from sunny to sunny, the westerly winds quickly reach the high cloud fields. During the day, the cold and the storm increase continuously. The DWD warns of storms accompanied by heavy rain and hail. The temperatures reach maxima between 28 and 33 degrees. During the night, the storm, sometimes still strong, moves gradually towards the east.

the Thursday starts changing to very cloudy. Heavy showers and thunderstorms with storm potential are once again particularly in the center and south. The sun is usually only in the east and southeast. There temperatures rise again from 26 to 31 degrees, otherwise the thermometer only reaches peaks of 20 to 26 degrees. At night it rains in places with little clouds.

the Friday Thunderstorms breed in the east and south during the day. In the direction of the Alps, this can also be bizarre. In the west, it is more friendly with sun sections partly longer. Temperatures are between 20 and 28 degrees.

Current weather: Will the heat in Africa come after the weekend?

The storm is decreasing according to current forecasts for the weekend from, with temperatures between 22 and 28 degrees, it should not be very hot anymore. But that could still change significantly, as predicted by Dominik Jung: "Next Monday, a new warmth of North Africa could reign with us and this time especially in the south." There would be between 30 and 37 degrees south of the Main. "

But not only would heat be a problem, the risk of bad weather would increase considerably. "In the north, it would be colder and between the air mbades, it would continue to crack properly," says Jung.

The time of the next days

on Monday: 25 to 30 degrees, friendly and dry, possible in the storm of the Alps

Tuesday: 27 to 32 degrees, a lot of sun, possible thunderstorms in the south

Wednesday: 28 to 33 degrees, first good weather, warning of bad weather for the east and the south

Thursday: 20 to 31 degrees, variable, wet-hot and thunder

Friday: 20 to 28 degrees, mix of sun and clouds, storm towards the Alps

Saturday: 20 to 27 degrees, sometimes the sun, sometimes clouds, small showers

Sunday: 21 to 28 degrees, friendly and especially dry

It is a cycle through which one can adjust the clock: as soon as temperatures rise in this country, violent thunderstorms ensue on foot. If you are surprised by a storm, fast action is usually required. We show you how to behave correctly.

Teaser image: © imago images / Christian Schroedter

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