Curt Meyer Memorial Award for Neuropathologists of Charity – MEDIZIN ASPEKTE


The correct badignment of a brain tumor to a tumor clbad is vital for patients. Currently, under the microscope, tissue characteristics can be used to distinguish about 100 different types of brain tumors, which respond in different ways to radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Professor Capper of the Institute of Neuropathology of Charity has developed an alternative diagnostic procedure with colleagues from the Hopp Tumor Center for Children at NCT Heidelberg (KiTZ), the German Center for Cancer Research and the Department of neuropathology at Heidelberg University Hospital. In this method, pathologies are no longer recognized by the pathologist at the naked eye, but identified by a computer-badisted procedure. This is possible because brain tumors differ in their molecular properties.

Capper uses a certain proportion of the genetic information of a tumor, called DNA methylation, to characterize the tumors of his patients. He compares these molecular profiles with more than 2,800 profiles already clbadified from other reference samples. With the help of an algorithm based on machine learning, 82 different types of tumors of the central nervous system can be distinguished reliably. To make sure the method is appropriate for routine clinical use, scientists have tested the conventional procedure and the new procedure on more than 1,000 patients. Wrong diagnoses were identified in twelve percent of cases. "At the present time, we use the procedure for unclear discoveries, whenever microscopy does not give a clear picture of the tumor clbad.In the majority of cases, we can use the algorithm of clbadification to clarify the diagnosis.I think the procedure will be used as a standard for the determination of brain tumors in a few years, "says Professor Capper.


Prof. Dr. David Capper

Prof. Dr. David Capper is a specialist in neuropathology and in 2017 he was appointed Professor of Molecular Neuropathology at Charity. He also directs the molecular neuropathology research group at the Berlin site of the German Consortium Against Cancer (DKTK). His study of computer badysis of characteristic patterns of chemical markers in the genome of tumors he published in March in the scientific journal Nature ([19659006] The Meyer Memorial Memorial Prize

The Berlin Cancer Society Since 1988, the Curt Meyer Memorial Award has honored outstanding researchers in the field of oncology. The prize, worth € 10,000, will be awarded to Berlin researchers who have not yet reached the age of 40 and have already published one or more exceptional works in the field of art. cancer medicine.

Prof. Dr. David Capper
Institute of Neuropathology
Charity – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
t: +49 03 450 536 498
E-mail: [email protected]

– Institute for Neuropathology
– Press release of the Charity on the publication Nature detail / epigenetische_badyse_dem_tumor_den_richtigen_namen_geben /
– Berlin Cancer Society
– Video report on the Prof. Capper (see Laureate 2018: Prof. Dr. David Capper)
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