Dax: The current stock market report with the euro rate


Stock Exchange
Customs dispute keeps Dax investors spellbound

  Stock Exchange: The Dax has recently recovered slightly - despite the customs dispute

DPA [19659006] Scholarship: The Dax Has The Last Slightly Recovered – Despite the Customs Dispute

The issue of ongoing trade disputes in the new week is likely to again pronounce on the well-being and misfortune on the German stock market. Recently, the hope of a relaxation of the tariff dispute between the United States and the European Union has given Dax momentum.

The Dax had taken the mark of 12,500 points last week and should fluctuate around this mark Monday early in the session. "If US President Donald Trump also shows his willingness to negotiate with China, the tender and tense seedling of the Dax recovery could continue to grow," predicts Frank Klumpp, an LBBW badyst. Then, the mark of 13,000 points would quickly return to its range.

After a push by Washington, investors insisted that automakers in Europe continue to turn to higher US import duties. US Ambbadador to Germany, Richard Grenell, summoned the leaders of automakers, BMW and Daimler, to a complete waiver of the car's obligations in the conversation. The Dax
The stock chart
gained 1.5% Friday at 12,496 on a weekly basis.

US and China: tariffs and tariffs are already in place

Investors speculate that not only in Europe, but also in China, the big bang of the trade dispute can still be avoided. "The globalization of the economy means that there can only be losers in a trade war," says Milan Cutkovic of the AxiTrader Trading House. "It is hoped that the markets will not show Washington and Beijing a real showdown."

US duties on $ 34 billion worth of Chinese goods came into effect on Friday. In return, China has imposed retaliatory duties to the same extent. Trump has threatened to lift tariffs on Chinese goods worth more than $ 500 billion. That's the sum of China's total imports to the United States last year.

US Bank File Numbers, Reporting Season Begins

The second quarter reporting season, which begins Friday in the United States with banks JP Morgan Chase, Citigroup and Wells Fargo, should also be affected by global trade disputes. In the coming weeks, many companies should show how they perceive the impact on future business development, as the price continues to rise, marketers said. "It will be difficult to dispel worries about a slower record earnings momentum," said Klumpp, an badyst at LBBW

. The ZEW index Tuesday should show what are the expectations of stock market professionals for the German economy. Commerzbank's experts badume that the mood of badysts and investors has continued to collapse. By June, the index had already fallen to its lowest level in almost six years.

Fed Expects More Interest Rate Rises

In the United States, consumer prices (Thursday) are at the forefront of the new week. According to Commerzbank badyst Christoph Balz, inflationary pressures are gradually increasing – "the Fed should feel confirmed in its rate of gradual rate hike". For the month of June, the expert expects an accelerated inflation barely noticeable

On the side of the central bank, Monday, the president of the ECB, Mario Draghi, could answer the questions of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs of the European Parliament. Following its June meeting, the European Central Bank (ECB) announced that key interest rates would remain at their lowest level until at least the summer of 2019. In addition, large-scale bond purchases should be stopped by the end of 2018.

The euro is increasing according to German economic data


The stock market chart of the euro rose Thursday after strong German industrial data. The common currency costs $ 1.17 – [$ at midday, about half a cent more than in the early morning hours. In contrast, the US dollar was slightly weaker in many currencies. The European Central Bank (ECB) had set the euro reference rate Wednesday afternoon at $ 1,1642

The euro was supported on the one hand by the economic data of the European Union. 39; Germany. For example, the German industry received more orders in May for the first time this year than the previous month. The chief economist of Ing-Diba, Carsten Brzeski, spoke of a sign of life for the German recovery, after economic data have often been weak in recent months. "Provided that the trade dispute does not increase further, German growth will resume some momentum in the second half of the year," said Thomas Gitzel, chief economist of VP Bank.

Second, the euro benefited
Stock chart showing
indications of future monetary policy in the currency area. On Wednesday night, the Bloomberg news agency reported that, according to some unidentified officials of the ECB, key rates could be raised as early as September or October 2019. Until now, many market participants had been considering a later date. The ECB is currently ensuring that its key interest rates remain constant throughout the summer of 2019.

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