Deep Express Certificates: high percentages on Siemens, Daimler …



Monday, July 02, 2018

With the new Deep Express certificates for Siemens, Daimler and Deutsche Post shares, investors can now obtain lateral returns of 3.25 in five years and two months. Undisputed investment certificates, such as express certificates against direct equity investments, are that they can provide positive returns even with lower and side stock prices. Until a few weeks ago, the attention of investors remained on the possible high yield opportunities, which could have caused the uncertainty of the stock environment, now that the amount security measures is relevant for an investment decision.

The new Deep Express certificates of the Landesbank Baden Württemberg on Daimler, Siemens and Deutsche Post DAX securities may be of interest to investors. Yields range from 3.25% per year with a 30% security buffer (Siemens, ISIN: DE000LB1VL90) at 4.7% per annum and a 35% security buffer (Daimler, ISIN: DE000LB1VL66). The example of the certificate on the Deutsche Post stock is used to illustrate the operation of Deep Express certificates

40% security stamp, declining repayment thresholds

The closing price of the Deutsche Post share, determined on July 25, will be the starting value. Deep Express Certificate (ISIN: DE000LB1VL74) fixed. At 70 percent, the barrier will be. If the Deutsche Post share is quoted at the early redemption level equal to or greater than 90% of the starting value on the first valuation date (20.9.19), the certificate will be repaid early with a payment of 100% plus interest of 4.00%. If the stock is trading below the prepayment level that day, the term of the certificate will be extended at least until the next valuation date (18.9.20). If the share price on that closing date is greater than the redemption threshold, which has since been reduced to 85% of the initial value, the prepayment of the certificate will be at 108% of the market value. nominal. The repayment threshold will also be reduced by 5% each on the remaining valuation days.

If the certificate runs until the last day of badessment (15.9.23) due to default of prepayment, it will be refunded with a maximum amount of € 1,200 listed on or above the barrier at 70 percent of the starting value that day. If the stock price is below the barrier, the certificate will be refunded by the delivery of a number of Deutsche Post shares calculated on July 25.

Deep Express certificates with a maximum maturity until 22/9/23 can still be issued Conclusion: The deep express certificates on the Siemens, Daimler and Deutsche Post shares allow investors to benefit from the "Deep Express" certificates. a period of five years and two months even in the event of a price decrease of 30 or an attractive lateral yield of 35%.


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