Demo "Exhilarated": poster campaign of the CSU against a rally



Bavaria Mbad against Propaganda – Plates CSU against

| Reading time: 3 minutes

  The CSU reacts to the demonstration announced by a poster campaign in Munich at night and a van with large signs <img src = "https: //www.welt .de / img / politik / deutschland / mobile179789576 / 1152508147-ci102l-w1024 / Ausgehetzt-Demonstration-in-Muenchen-LKW-der-CSU-gegen-Demosntrati.jpg "data-content =" ProgressivePreviewImage.PreviewImageHandler "alt =" The CSU reacts to the demonstration announced by a display campaign, in Munich at night and a light truck The CSU reacted to the event announced by a night display campaign and a small truck with a large publicity Scale

Source: imago / Michael Trammer

On Sunday, thousands were demonstrating in Munich against harbadment and a policy of fear.The CSU had posters hung in advance in the city – against the demo. reactions to the action are upset and amused.

T The protesters demonstrated Sunday in Munich against a right turn in society and politics. Protesters took to the streets under the slogan "Fumigated – Together Against the Politics of Fear!"

Police spoke of 15,000 participants, organizers of about 18,000 people. Unions, religious groups, artists and more than 100 organizations were called to protest.

"It can not be that responsible politicians use racist speech to support their own power," said Thomas Lechner of the initiative "Together for Democracy". More and more parties were pretending to have their agenda "by AfD and Co.". It is the task of politicians, "to heal society and gather, not to divide," said Lechner.

Especially against the refugee policy of the CSU wanted to demonstrate the organizers. In their call for protest, the organizers accused CSU boss Horst Seehofer, Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder and CSU group leader Alexander Dobrindt, of a "policy of irresponsible division".

"Dobrindt on the Steinbach-Weg"

The CSU reacted: overnight, posters were hung in the Bavarian capital. He said "Yes to political decency! No to #ausausetzt. Bayern can not be hurt!" And via Twitter and Facebook, she commented on her campaign: "We are against political unrest and call for political decency. The Bavarians know what they have at CSU. The Free State would not be here today if the UHC had not been there for six decades, still the best for Bavaria in sight.

In the comments, some accused the protesters, they were "bitches." You would be good in Bavaria, and their protest complained at a high level.In addition, the CSU was on the right track and should continue to others have accused Seehofer and Dobrindt of spreading fear of refugees, even with the word "asylum tourism", and Dobrindt has reflected on the manner of Erika Steinbach, l & # 39; Former member of the CDU, who later supported the AfD

CSU opponents also thanked for the unintentional publicity of the CSU for their rally Some questioned whether the UHC, if it is against a demo against harbadment, so for harbadment is?

Because the headlines had also ensured that the CSU of the Munich Municipal Council Kammerspiele and Volkstheater wanted to prohibit the participation. She argued that the two theaters had violated the duty ofneutrality of urban institutions.

In addition, writes the "Süddeutsche Zeitung", the mayor of Munich, Josef Schmid (CSU), last Wednesday refused the signature of the director of the Volkstheater Christian Stückl. because he had called for the demo.

Similarly, CSU Munich House Leader Manuel Pretzl also called for "surveillance measures" against Kammerspiel's director, Matthias Lilienthal, because he had violated "the obligation of neutrality". politics "of the theater by claiming a demo [ad_2]
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