Demo rave for the G20 anniversary: ​​2,500 expected participants


H amburg (dpa / lno) – A year after the G20 summit in Hamburg, a leftist alliance called for a demo today. The organizers expect about 2500 participants according to the police. They want to go with the techno music of the New Horse Market in the central locations of the events of the day. The resorts are the Flora Rote, the exhibition halls, the jetties, the fish market and the St. Pauli stadium. The move should go until midnight. The police are waiting for a clbad without problems. Already on Thursday, at the beginning of an unlimited solidarity festival, about 300 people had participated in a so-called mbad meeting. The beer in the open air remained peaceful.

Festival organizers turn against the "next gathering of warmongers, authoritarian rulers and cold neo-liberals" at the next G20 summit in November in Argentina. The group of major industrialized and emerging countries (G20) represents global capitalism responsible for global injustices, the climate crisis and wars.

Program of Solidarity Festival

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