Denmark: Iran's intelligence services allegedly planned conspiracy in Denmark


Danish secret service chief PET said there was an "unusual and very serious problem": Iran's intelligence services had planned an attack in the Scandinavian country, Finn Borch Andersen said.

As a result, parts of Denmark were paralyzed at the end of September as a result of mbadive police action, Andersen explained. "We are dealing with an Iranian intelligence service planning an attack on Danish soil."

A Norwegian citizen of Iranian origin has been in detention since 21 October. He is accused of having authorized the Iranian intelligence services to operate in Denmark. He should also have been involved in planning the attempted attack. The man denies the allegations.

The attack targeted a member living in Denmark of the Iranian opposition group ASMLA. He fights for his own state of Arab minority in the oil-rich Chusestan Province of Iran. But the arrest of the suspect did not eliminate the threat, said Borch Andersen. Three people were involved under special protection of the police.

Investigators are also investigating whether Iranian exiles may have been prosecuted in Denmark. Specifically, it is the allegation of terrorism related to the September 22 terrorist attack in Iran, causing 25 deaths.

The ASMLA is fighting attacks in Iran for its own state. The Iranian government considers this a terrorist organization. A year ago, the founder of ASMLA was killed in the Netherlands.

The attacks planned by the intelligence services led on 28 September to mbadive police action. Large parts of the Danish island of Zeeland, with the capital, Copenhagen, as well as international bridges and ferry boat connections were paralyzed for several hours. Danish intelligence services were criticized after the action for providing very little information.

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