Deportation Sami A .: FDP Vice Kubicki deplores "the erosion of the rule of law"


The court called on the German authorities to bring the 42-year-old man back to the Federal Republic

The Vice-FDP Wolfgang Kubicki was in the "World" newspaper together with the authorities and the lawyers for the deportation to court . He complained that deportation would sacrifice constitutional principles to a "healthy sense of the people". He will take revenge that "the erosion of the rule of law will be led by those who are called to his defense."

With his criticism of the proceedings in the Sami A. case, Kubicki also faces the NRW refugee minister and the FDP Joseph Stamp. He informed the "Welt" that his ministry would file a complaint against the decision of the Gelsenkirchen Administrative Court.

Tunisia does not want to extradite Sami A. to Germany for the moment

However, the Union supported this decision. Chairman of the Bundestag's Interior Committee, Armin Schuster (CDU), told the "world" that the deportation is "responsible and correct" given the German security situation. Germany should expel terrorist carriers who are forced to leave the country considerably more strictly. The Tunisian government also offers the possibility here because the country has developed democratically and no longer tolerates torture and the death penalty, Schuster said.

Meanwhile, Tunisia announced that Sami A. would not have returned to Germany for the time being. A spokesman for the anti-terrorism prosecutor said the Tunisian judiciary wanted to investigate the 42-year-old man himself. Sami A. is accused of being dragged into terrorist camps in Afghanistan and to be involved in "extremist activities". The German judicial system could prove these accusations to him here not clearly.

According to the report "World", the Tunisian authorities could have more success here. They have intimate knowledge of the jihadist scene and are endowed with extensive powers – which, according to Amnesty International, also include arbitrary arrests and torture.

In video: Due to the expulsion of Sami A .: SPD-MP filed a complaint against Seehofer

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