Deportations: Police seek 126,000 foreigners to leave the country



Deportations Police search 126,000 foreigners to leave the country

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  Marcel Leubecher

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The police search 126 000 foreigners who have to leave the country

300 000 job applications are opened in Germany. Among them, 126,327 offers of acquisition of a foreigner for expulsion, expulsion or deportation.

In Germany, police are currently looking for around 300,000 people to arrest.

  • 126,327 are foreigners who should leave the country. According to the BKA, the remaining arrest searches mainly affect convicted offenders and convicts. [1969] Federal and state police are looking for nearly 300,000 fugitives with the goal of being arrested. According to the Federal Criminal Police Office WELT AM SONNTAG, a total of 297,820 arrests for arrests were recorded to the latest state as of 31 December 2017 in the INPOL-Zentral Police Information System. Among them were 126,327 offers of arrest of a foreigner for deportation, expulsion or deportation.

    According to the experts of the ministries of the Interior, some of these 126,000 people have already left without any official body being informed. On the other hand, there are probably also more deportees in the country, who are no longer or not yet wanted. The desired applications are initiated by the immigration authorities.

    It is not regulated nationally how quickly these are caused after the abortion of contact with a person who has to leave the country and when a person who has already been deprived of an unknown status is registered or expelled

      Henryk M Broder and Alan Posener are fighting in the world and Welt am Sonntag Photo: Martin United Kingdom Lengemann Uhlandstrbade 41, 13158 Berlin Germany Tel 01717474588 7% Mwst FA Berlin Friedrichshain / Prenzl. brg Kbadeler Bank eG bank code 52090000 account 101048500

The other searches for arrests concern, according to BKA, mainly criminals and escaped convicts or used to execute sentences or to defend danger. Compared with the previous year, there was an increase of 5.1%. According to WELT AM SONNTAG, Armin Schuster, President of the Union in the Internal Committee, said: "If we arrest more fugitives and missing deportees, search for a stranger in order to". expulsion, deportation or deportation was stopped. "

we want to increase the search pressure. The Schleierfahndung is the ultimate. Special checks around the G-7 summit in Elmau show what kind of research success would be possible in a certain area. Despite a larger previous announcement, the federal police had received 135 perpetrators arrested in just 20 days, and more than one search was done for 1,000 search results, said the former police officer. Federal

Significant increase in "politically motivated crime"

The arrest investigations are made on the basis of a warrant for arrest. The latter orders the judge, for example, to reduce the debtors. However, more than half of the search warrants for arrest relate to open arrest warrants. About 175,000 people were present at the end of March, according to a federal government response to a green demand. The rise of open arrest warrants in the area of ​​"politically motivated crime" has been particularly strong. They have more than tripled compared to the previous year – 4,411 people wanted

It was mainly Islamists: only 3,151 open arrest warrants pertained to the subcategory Corresponding "Religious Ideology". 594 arrest warrants were opened for "politically motivated crime" and 144 for reasons of left-wing crime. 191 cases concerned "foreign ideology", 15 people were wanted in the field of "espionage and treason". The federal government stresses that the offense on which the arrest warrant is based is not necessarily a politically motivated offense.

In this particularly explosive area, police need a lot of time to arrest wanted perpetrators or suspects. On average, accused persons wanted on March 26, 2018 with an open arrest warrant were fleeing for 325 days.

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In addition to nearly 300,000 arrested detectives, the police are looking for another 300,000 to remain and 15,000 missing. These last details refer to an INPOL badessment by the Federal Ministry of the Interior from May 2017. The search for aliens with a view to expulsion is initiated by the immigration authorities individual if a stranger can not be found.

On the growing number of submerged aliens said Rainer Wendt, chairman of the German Police Union DPolG: "More than 120,000 pending arrests of deportees show the importance of the establishment of anchor centers with residency obligation Today, deportations are too often failing due to the absence of detention centers, the ex-ferryman has to be released several times in a row "

According to an internal evaluation by the Federal Police, WELT AM SONNTAG reported two weeks ago that a second person to be deported was not found at the return location instead of at declaration. By the end of May, about 23,900 repatriations had failed, including 12,800 in the last phase. Of these, 11,500 people "were not found" by the police or were permanently submerged.

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