Despite the Warning Signs – Swimmers (40) Lost in a Fish Pond – Dresden


Moritzburg – Climbers and occasional blue-green algae make swimming in the Dippelsdorfer pond of Moritzburg a danger! To mortal danger? Since Thursday night, a float (40) is missing in the pond.

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Photo: Tino Plunert

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Tafeln on the shore indicates the dangers in the pond Photo: Tino Plunert

The man had gone swimming with a friend (50) around 19.50. The 40-year-old man wanted to swim across the pond up to the other shore. His friend stayed near the shore.

When he saw his companion, he suddenly disappeared.

The 50 year old man chose the emergency call. Firefighters, the German Red Cross and THW have arrived. The police even sent a helicopter. For more than three hours, the Einsatztrupps searched for the missing swimmer.

At 11 pm, the search has been stopped for the moment. It was resumed Friday.


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