Destiny 2 wants to bring content faster, but the team must be happy


With Destiny 2, the player's long-term criticism is that he does not have enough content and that it takes too long before the new content of the game appears. Bungie knows it and says that they are making progress to increase the rate, but that should not hurt the health of the team.

That's Bungie's statement: Scott Taylor, project manager at VG247, talks about the speed at which new content arrives.

Taylor says, "We think we know more about now
the speed at which players want new content, and we try
provide them with the content they want, at the speed they want. "

But he also says that none of this can be at the expense of a healthy work culture.

Scott Taylor (right), now Destiny 2 project manager.

Taylor says, "It's very important to us that our team is happy,
healthy and enthusiastic. "

Raylene Deck, Design Manager, adds, "People want people to come to work every day and look forward to their work with impatience and enthusiasm, no? It's in our hands to make it happen."

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This will be the following content: Taylor talks about Season 8, which starts with Shadowkeep, and Season 9, which comes out later.

Players should be able to jump into these new seasons, even if they have not played in advance.

The keepers of Destiny 2 are about to enter the new era of Destiny 2 without major obstacle to the point of embarking.

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It's behind this: One of the dominant themes in the video game field in 2019 is overtime designer, quality badurance testers and game developers.

The two biggest successes of the recent period have come at the expense of overtime and employee hardship:

According to insiders, the employees would have suffered and collapsed in both companies.

Even with less success, the anthem should have prevailed in such a culture of overtime.

destiny 2 menagerie 1 (1)

At Bungie, you have a strict "no overtime" policy and you pay special attention to a healthy work environment. In all attempts to offer faster content, Bungie seems to want to get it and hopes to get better performance.

During the conversation on vg247, the interviewer indicated that he felt that Bungie employees seemed more relaxed and better off than before, working with Activision as a partner.

But the question is how Bungie can deliver content faster – now that the Activision "drifters" have come into being. This is not because Bungie now knows, after 5 years, how fast players want content, that Bungie can deliver safely.

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