Deutsche Bahn: Report: Railway Supervisory Board Frenzel resigns criticizing policy – Economy – Economic and Financial News


Michael Frenzel, a member of the Railroad Supervisory Board, resigned, according to a report. Previously, this should have been "contested" talks with the Federal Minister for Transport Scheuer

The Rail Supervisory Board Michael Frenzel criticized the growing influence of politics on Deutsche Bahn and, according to a report of ] Manager magazine back. The former boss of Tui resigned from his supervisory board mandate with effect in mid-July, the newspaper reported. A spokesman for Deutsche Bahn AG did not wish to comment on "the issues of the supervisory board" on Wednesday.

The stage had preceded after the presentation of the leaf "disputed negotiations" with the Federal Minister of Transport Andreas Scheuer (CSU). Frenzel told Manager Magazine : "I think the way described in the coalition agreement that obtaining rail profits is no longer paramount is fundamentally flawed. The corporate responsibility of the board and the supervisory board is likely to be eroded by mbadive political influence: "The long-term return of the public railway jeopardizes the objectives of rail reform to modern, efficient and profitable rail transport.

The federal government circles have been broadcasting proposals for some time to completely occupy the capital part of the supervisory board with politicians and push leaders like Tui Frenzel's former boss or entrepreneur. Jürgen Großmann steel, That would increase the influence of politicians in the railways. For several weeks, the Secretary of State at the Federal Ministry of Transport, Michael Odenwald, new chairman of the board of directors of Bahn AG.

In the coalition agreement, the Union and the SPD had organized a "Railway Pact of Politics and Economics". According to this report, twice as many people have to travel by rail and more goods have to be transported by rail by 2030: "As the owner of Deutsche Bahn AG, we are not trying to maximize profits. but to maximize rail transport. " it is said. (dpa)

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