Deviations in Hamburg: Elbtunnel closed at night



  Highway 7 is extended, at Hamburg's Elbtunnel is blocked.

The Highway 7 is extended, furthermore the Hamburg Elbtunnel is locked. (photo: dpa)

Sunday 08 July 2018

The A7 of Hamburg will be extended. In preparation, the authorities resort to a rare resort: the complete closure of the Elbe tunnel. This has now started and stays until early Sunday.

The Hamburg Elbtunnel remains closed during the night. The complete closure between the Hamburg-Heimfeld and Volkspark junctions began around 10 pm, police reported. The route must be completely closed on Sunday morning at 7 am.

The reason for the suspension is to prepare for the extension of the A7 motorway south of the tunnel from six to eight tract. The signal displays and the tunnel control system must be adapted to the new traffic management at the construction site. A second block will take place in the night of July 28 to July 29.

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In Hamburg, the offer of Elbbrücken is an alternative for motorists. However, long-distance traffic is expected to bypbad the large-scale Elbtunnel announced the responsible authority. The recommended diversion route connects the Horster Dreieck south of Hamburg and the Neumünster-Süd junction via A1, A21 and B205.

A complete closure of the Elbe tunnel is very unusual. Since the opening of the building in 1975, the road tunnel has been closed only once, according to the traffic authority. It was around the turn of the millennium when a new computer was installed in the control center of the fourth tunnel tube. Exactly, this computer must now be replaced.


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