Diabetics at high risk of periodontitis: regular dental examinations are advised


Diabetes and Periodontitis: A Dangerous Duo

In Germany, about eleven million people suffer from periodontitis. Diabetics are particularly affected. Health experts advise this patient to have complete oral hygiene and regular dental checks. In addition, it is important to pay attention to adjusting the blood glucose to reduce the risk of periodontitis.

Periodontitis Can Cause Serious Disease

According to experts, about 11 million people suffer from periodontal disease in Germany. This chronic inflammation of the periodontium not only damages the teeth, but can also cause life-threatening diseases according to scientific research. In this way, the germs can enter the bloodstream via the inflammatory foci of the gum, thus promoting vascular calcification or heart attack, among other things.

People with diabetes are particularly affected by periodontitis. Health experts advise diabetics for complete oral hygiene and regular dental examination. (Photo: kulniz / fotolia.com)

Diabetics lose more teeth

As reported by the German Diabetes Association (DDG) in a recent paper, patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes are particularly affected by periodontitis: They have a risk three times higher of periodontitis and more teeth, while deteriorating the blood sugar due to the diseases of the gums.

The DDG advises all diabetic patients to have complete oral hygiene and regular dental examinations. In addition, it is important to pay attention to adjusting blood glucose to reduce the risk of periodontitis.

Smoking promotes periodontal disease

According to DDG, periodontitis is the most common chronic disease in the world. The main trigger of periodontal inflammation is bacterial plaque

which causes superficial inflammation of the gums – gingivitis – which, if left untreated, can spread to periodontitis

. 19659008] "In addition to the lack of oral hygiene, smoking, stress and genetic factors are the causes of this chronic inflammation," says DDD Professor DDD. med. Dirk Müller-Wieland. Another major risk factor is diabetes mellitus.

Disease rarely causes pain

"If the diabetic patient's blood glucose is poorly adjusted, the risk of periodontitis increases sharply," says Müller-Wieland. Conversely, periodontitis in turn worsens glycemic control – the depth of periodontal pockets also increases blood sugar levels over the long term.

In other words, research has shown that the mortality of periodontal diabetic patients is higher than that of healthy gums. The reason is inflammatory processes that have a negative effect on the heart, among other things.

The hard part of the disease: Periodontitis rarely causes pain. "It is important, therefore, be sure to pay attention to the first warning signs such as bleeding gums, swollen gums, bad breath, changing the position of the teeth or longer and loose teeth" , says DDG Priv Expert Dr. Doz Erhard Siegel Med.

Appropriate Oral Hygiene

Prevention can be prevented by good oral hygiene.Nothing is as good as that. regular brushing

Dentists advise to brush their teeth at least twice a day Best after breakfast and especially after dinner According to experts, dental care is much more important in the evening than the next day [19659008] The optimal cleaning time is usually two to five minutes.

Until recently, experts believed that after a meal with acid or sugar Food should wait half an hour to get toothache, because the acid dissolves the minerals in the enamel and aggravates this process – the tooth enamel will be brushed.

But this recommendation is now discussed by dentists because the benefits of cleaning Immediately after eating, the possible disadvantages seem to prevail.

Properly Clean Interdental Spaces

It should be noted that the toothbrush receives only 70% of the stains – the rest rests between the teeth. Therefore, you should clean the interdental spaces at least once a day.

Flossing is the best for this purpose. However, be careful not to hurt the gums. Toothpicks, toothpicks or interdental brushes can also be used as alternatives.

Mouthwashes also clean the interdental spaces. In order to control one's own cleaner sequence, one can sometimes use a coloring tablet, which shows which areas have not become clean.

It depends on the right technique

The experts suggest that they should always be in the same proper order, so that a whole routine and no area is forgotten. Often the so-called KAI technique is recommended

This means that first the chewing surfaces, then the outer surfaces and then the inside of the teeth are cleaned.

It is usually cleaned from red (gums) to white (tooth). According to dentists, it is particularly wise to shake and brush.

The website of the German Dental Association presents a video explaining how the KAI system works in 60 seconds.

Regular Dental Examinations

In addition, the DDG advises As the experts explain, the doctor already identifies and is able to treat early forms of periodontal disease using the periodontal screening index (ISP) during the early detection medical examination.

"In particular People with diabetes should visit the dentist at least once a year," recommends Siegel

Avoiding smoking, having a balanced diet and avoiding overweight and stress can further reduce the risk of periodontitis

For a first evaluation, like ho If your own risk of periodontitis is yours, the German Parodontic Society (DG Paro) provides an online self-test.

"Diabetologists, family physicians and dentists should also be made aware of this, "says Müller-Wieland." In Germany, about two million people do not know that they have diabetes and are therefore at increased risk of periodontal disease. "

All concerned specialists are called upon to bring more education and prevention into their practices.

For example, screening measures such as diabetes test te in the dental offices or the inclusion of dental status in the family's medical history could ensure better prevention of periodontitis, "Siegel said. (Ad)

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