Did the Chief of Protection of the Constitution meet Frauke Petry?


Chief of Constitutional Protection Mabaden should have advised the AfD on how to avoid observation by the secret services. He rejects the allegations

The President of the Federal Constitutional Protection, Hans-Georg Maaßen, rejected the reports that he is supposed to have advised the representatives of the AfD on how the right-wing populist party could avoid a possible observation. Maaßen has met several times with the party's former leader, Frauke Petry, and urged her to open an exclusion procedure against the spokesperson of the State of Thuringia, Björn Höcke .

The meeting is not explicitly challenged

the leadership of the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution "regular talks in the parliamentary zone" on the security situation, endangering the Party politicians and attacks on party facilities, conceded Mabaden in a statement to the media group Funke press. These discussions served to fulfill the tasks – the confidentiality of the political interlocutors was promised, it was said.

  After the federal election, Frauke Petry left the AfD: The former president could not enforce Björn Höcke's exclusion. (Source: Reuters / Fabrizio Bensch) After the general election Frauke Petry left the AFD: The former president could not enforce the exclusion of Björn Höcke (Source: Fabrizio Bensch / Reuters)

The Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution rejects the allegation that Mabaden would have had discussions with representatives of the AfD on how the party could escape to the observation and that Maaßen had advised the AFD or individual leaders to initiate an exclusion proceeding against Mr Höcke. 19659007] Last year, the Federal Executive Board of AFD, under the direction of Petry, decided to exclude Björn Höcke, director general of AFD in Thuringia, member of the Nationalist Party of right, but in May the Regional Arbitration Court dismissed the moderates in the party on retirement and the radicals

In addition, the Declaration of the Protection of the Constitution states that "it is no longer necessary". There is currently no sufficient factual evidence that would justify the AfD considering the party as a party through the Association for the Protection of the Constitution. The former Federal Minister of the Interior Thomas de Maizière had already made similar statements in an interview with t-online.de

According to Bild am Sonntag, the allegations are raised by Franziska Schreiber, of the l & # 39; 39, AfD, whose book "Inside AfD" will be published in a few days appears. According to Petry and the President of the Constitutional Protection have met several times, which Petry has publicly denied at the request of Maaßens always. Also Petry denied according to "BamS" reports of meetings with Mabaden and his so-called advice. Schreibers's submissions were "fictitious".

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