Difficult competition – many health food stores are threatened with extinction – economy


Traditional organic food stores are having trouble now. Reason: More and more discounters are growing on the market

Aldi Organic Apple Spritzer, Organic Lidl Salami, Organic Dm Granola and Organic Edeka Cheese or Rewe: Discounters, Supermarkets and German Drugstores Have In Recent Years

BILD Series: The Plastic Trap

For mainstream organic retailers, nearly two-thirds of organic food expenses for German citizens now land in their coffers – with a growing trend this competition more and more and more and more pressure on prices.

The trade expert Joachim Riedl of the University of Applied Sciences Hof recently warned in the newspaper "Lebensmittel Zeitung" that he would die of organic food

Bio is in booming

More than ten billion euros were donated by Germans Consumers in the past year for organic products – about six percent more than last year.

"Germans have apparently and increasingly often appetite for organic foods and bring the growth of the industry," he says. Since 2004, the organic share of food expenses has more than tripled

Bio is interesting for Edeka, Rewe, Aldi, Lidl and Co. for several reasons: On the one hand, because the market has grown reliably since years. On the other hand, because of the attractive target groups, which are made with organic products: young people, families with children, but also high income groups.

Aldi and Lidl are courting organic customers

Finally, discount stores are fiercely attracting organic customers.

Aldi proudly announced at the presentation of his latest report on sustainable development a few days ago: According to GfK, the company was the leader of the organic market in Germany in 2017.

This means that 'l & rsquo; Weekly purchase is always possible.

Lidl also promises its customers a "biological diversity" and introduces eleven new organic sausage varieties in February. Lidl's purchasing manager, Jan Bock, did not doubt: "We also want to focus more on organic products."

The Cologne-based Rewe distribution group also claims to "constantly develop its organic badortments". Under its own brand Rewe Bio, the retailer offers more than 500 organic products in its supermarkets.

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Photo: Inga Kjer / dpa

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No more soon? The organic stores are ousted by the big actors Photo: Inga Kjer / dpa

According to the trade magazine "Lebensmittel Zeitung", the drugstore chain dm also continues to modernize its biological activity.

The organic offensive of Aldi, Rewe and Co. is welcomed by consumers. In a recent market survey conducted by the marketing company AMM, 60% of respondents said that they thought it was good to buy organic from Edeka, Rewe, Aldi and Lidl .

Explanation: It was cheaper than In specialty stores, one does not have to make detour at the time of purchase, many found the respondents.

For health food stores, organic supermarkets and autoproductive organic farmers, of course, are very different. For them, the triumphal procession of traditional resellers is becoming more and more of a problem: the giants are getting more and more market – and the price pressure on the organic sector is increasing.

The industry expert Riedl is convinced: "The air is thinner in the organic food trade."

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