Diplomacy: Increased pressure on Trump over his son's meeting with a Russian lawyer


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Diplomacy Increasing pressure on Trump for meeting his son with a Russian lawyer

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  Former lawyer Michael Cohen (center) becomes more and more of a problem for US President Donald Trump   His former lawyer Michael Cohen (center) will be increasingly a problem for US President Donald Trump

Former lawyer Michael Cohen (center) becomes increasingly problematic for US President Donald Trump

Source: AFP / Archive

Mbadive payment accusations Money to women multiplied

U President Donald Trump The explosive encounter of his son with a Russian lawyer during the 2016 election campaign under increased pressure. Trump's former lawyer, Michael Cohen, leads according to US media reports in the field, Trump approved the meeting in advance. The president dismissed this: "No, I did not know anything about the meeting with my son Don Jr.", he said Friday.

The meeting between Donald Trump junior and lawyer Natalia Weselnizkaja in June 2016 obviously plays in the Investigations of the US Special Investigator Robert Mueller on the alleged interventions of the Russian campaign play a central role. Weselnizkaja had already offered incriminating evidence on Trump's rival Hillary Clinton, as Trump's son admitted. According to her statements, she should not have presented this but then.

Cohen is ready to testify to Mueller that Trump has given the green light for the meeting with the Russians, reported CNN television and NBC News. The lawyer wants to have been there in a conversation between Trump and his son. According to CNN, however, Cohen does not have proof, such as sound recordings of this so-called conversation.

Trump has always claimed to have learned the Weselnizkaja encounter only when the US media reported it in July 2017. Commenting on Cohen's alleged insider information, he wrote in the service Twitter short messages, "It seems to me that someone is trying to tell stories in order to free themselves in another matter."

legal pressure. It is the subject of an investigation for possible illegal business practices. It should go according to media reports, among other things, possible illegal illegal payments such as those to bad actress Stormy Daniels. She wants to have had a badual adventure with Trump in 2006. Cohen paid her just before the elections in 2016, a sum of $ 130,000 (depending on the current value of 112,000 euros), so they did not say .

Cohen worked for Trump for about ten years and was considered his "cleaner" – the man who was cleaning up the unpleasant things behind the scenes. Investigations against former Trump attorney are being conducted by New York federal prosecutors, so separately to the Mueller investigation. But even the special investigator should be keenly interested in Truth's internal knowledge about Trump.

Mueller's investigations have so far led to indictments against 31 suspects, including four former Trump employees. He is also investigating whether Trump has attempted to interfere with investigations into the possible illegal collusion of his team with Moscow after taking office.

Trump routinely denounces the investigation as a gigantic "witch hunt" – an accusation he repeated on Friday.

The occasion was a report by The New York Times, according to which Mueller also examines Trump's tweets in his investigation of potential incapacity – including his attacks on Justice Secretary Jeff Sessions and the Former FBI chief James Comey, dismissed by the President. "(…) the witch hunt handled continues!" tweeted Trump. He called it "stupid and unfair to our country".

Other legal issues threaten the President during this time on the other side. Stormy Daniels' lawyer, Michael Avenatti, argued that he represented three other women who had been paid for their silence about alleged bad with Trump. "All mute money paid in various ways," tweeted Avenatti.

Last week, the recording of a conversation between Trump and Cohen was already published, which concerned a possible silent payment to former "Playboy" model Karen McDougal. Cohen had secretly recorded the conversation.

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