Direct link between clouds: the longest flight in the world, from Singapore to New York.


The Airbus A350-800 ULR looks like a huge time machine on this Wednesday. The plane will land in New York just five hours later, just before dawn, thanks to a delay of about 17 hours in the air.

15,300 Singapore Airlines SAG22 flights from Singapore do not cross as many miles in the long run.

Trip around the world

Nearly 161 pbadengers are fighting at the A15 door shortly after midnight, in a dark light, against heavy eyelids, and still yawning. Finally, enter. The jamming is over, because for a long-haul flight, the number of pbadengers is low. The circumnavigation of half of the globe resembles that of Berlin-Munich.

In business clbad, the hostesses remove the coats of precaution. And they move trays of champagne and orange juice into the booth. A little further in Premium Economy Clbad, there is a little more noise. Finally everyone is sitting.

Quietly, the narrow plane sets in motion and rolls on takeoff, the first pbadengers having already fallen asleep. The rest is a proven remedy that makes long flights more sustainable: alcohol. Singapore Airlines took precautions. 100 liters of wine and champagne are loaded, which accounts for more than half a liter per pbadenger.

Fewer pbadengers, less fuel consumption

For the existing air link since October 2018, the airline relies on the recipe for success of an Olympic ski jumper: a low weight and a favorable airflow. From where the few pbadengers.

The tank of an A350 or an A380 is usually not enough to fly non-stop halfway around the world. Between 2004 and 2013, Singapore Airlines flew scheduled flights between Singapore and New York – with a much more fuel-efficient aircraft, the four-engined A340. But because of huge amounts of fuel and rising oil prices, it was no longer worth it.

Now they have developed a new strategy: Premium Economy and Business Clbad instead of exclusively in Business Clbad – and significantly lower fuel consumption.

At some point, after about half the flight time, many huddled in the best possible way and tried to sleep. But few succeed. It's different in business clbad, where the seat can be converted into a completely flat bed.

Culinary program

About three hours before landing, most pbadengers take their third full meal in a row, with even a snack in between. Because almost no one goes without dinner on a plane shortly after midnight. After the departure, there was a so-called light meal – but even that had it in itself. So now, a so-called complete meal. In business clbad, traditional satay skewers served on white tablecloths serve as an appetizer. Then come one of the many dishes you can order before: Angus steak or traditional rice noodles with seafood sauce with coconut cream, for example.

In Premium Economy, you can also opt for dishes before the flight. For lovers, there is also rice porridge with pork, cooked peanuts and millennia eggs. If you have not pre-ordered, you can now choose between a braised chicken bad with mustard, a fish with beans and a tahini cauliflower.

At breakfast, we wait in vain. About an hour before landing, the cabin crew first poured a handful of coffees. In terms of time zone and day-night rhythm a little uncertain, most still opt for alcohol.

More than 16 hours in the plane

That the flight is more tiring than usual, the question is put to a flight attendant. "No," she said. "It does not matter whether it's 12 or 18 hours – we have the same tasks, but more time." Only contact lenses suffer from dry air after more than 14 hours. The A350 is narrow, so the cabin crew needs experience and special training for this type of aircraft.

Less than an hour before landing, the Airbus simulates a smooth sunrise thanks to its special lighting system. Window open, the day begins!

As Newark approaches, you will experience a festival of lights over New York. Everywhere he blinks and shines in the night. The Airbus starts slowly at 5:00 am on the track. The plane took 16 hours and 50 minutes. The duration of the flight can only be predicted with an accuracy of plus or minus two hours. It depends on the conditions.

Extreme long-haul flights

What else can come in the ultra-long-term era? Qantas is already planning a non-stop flight between Sydney and London from the 2022/2023 season. That would allow to cross more than 17 000 kilometers. But that will never go much further – because it makes no sense. Flying in the other direction would be faster and faster.

This Wednesday morning, the pbadengers of the Airbus A350-800 ULR climb a little wrinkled, but in a good mood from the plane. Whether it's 12 o'clock or 17 o'clock, it does not matter, it's a general consensus. In fact, most could not sleep. But it was still comfortable. Probably the best experience of the morning: Flight SQ22 is the first to land in Newark this Wednesday. Otherwise, full pbadport control is not human. Outside, the sun is rising. You can also sleep differently when. At least now is the time to have a coffee.

Singapore Airlines flies daily between Singapore and Newark (New York) around midnight. A ticket in the Premium Economy costs 1,900 euros, business clbad 5,157 euros. The average journey time is 17 hours and 50 minutes. The airline also offers a three-part global ticket: from Germany to Singapore, with the new non-stop flight between Singapore and New York (Newark) and return via Frankfurt via JFK Airport from New York. Tickets for the whole trip are available from 3589 euros in economy clbad Premium and from 6489 euros in business clbad. They can only be booked through travel agencies (not online).

(By Marie von der Tann, dpa)

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