Discovery of a bomb in Essen: the A40 must be blocked – food



Discovery of a bomb in Essen: the A40 must be blocked

In Essen, a bomb of the second world war was discovered. The A40 must be locked during the day.

In Essen, a bomb of the second world war was discovered. The A40 must be locked during the day.

Photo: Tbados Socrates / FUNKE Photo Services

Eat. in eat a bomb from the second world war was discovered during a suspicious check Tuesday. The bomb was discovered in Essen-Leithe in Lange Straße. The bomb is a British bomb of ten cents.

While the city tells Essen, the A40 must be closed to defuse the bomb Tuesday. Affected is the area around the Gelsenkirchen-South junction. Route B227 (Haltener Straße) and the Deutsche Bahn Emscher Park cycle track and track system are also covered. We report defusing in a live blog:

2:23 p.m.: The city of Essen has officially defined the radius of the evacuation.

In addition, it is now clear that affected residents can remain at the Evangelical Community Center located at 33 Leither Straße during the evacuation period.

2:08 p.m.: Now it is clear that the A40 between Essen-Kray and Gelsenkirchen-Sud will be closed in both directions. The exact time is still unknown. The city of Essen has set up a citizen phone for its questions. The number is 1238 888.

14:00: The bomb is located at a depth of eight meters. Within 500 meters of the site, all people will be evacuated. "In a radius of 500 meters to 1,000 meters, residents must stay in parts of the building away from the bomb or search the cellar during defusing," said the city of Essen.

13.55: It is still unclear when defusing begins. The crisis team just released its first information a few minutes ago. It is clear that, in addition to the mentioned streets, recreational areas around the Mechtenberg are also affected.

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