Discussion with Maybrit Illner: "We need a new policy without this CSU"


Z the resignation of the resignation, then compromise compromise and now just before the summer holidays, but still an agreement in the coalition. What was it for a week. Of course, the subject of Maybrit Illner's talk show, Thursday night, was set: He should go to the asylum dispute.

As logical as it may seem today, three days ago, the subject of the broadcast could have been very different. As Federal Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer (CSU) has done, Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) offered her resignation or threatened many more things – and created a lot of chaos, not just between the CDU and CSU brothers parties. The threats, the humiliation, the drama are the result – just as the theater is not much better, but actually on the political scene.

See also

  Government of Germany

Many were waiting for the austerity of the government, which had already faced off in recent weeks. The fact that in the discussion of Illner was talking about the "limit asylum compromise" and the question "Will the losers only stay?", Because then a common solution was found and the coalition still has once crushed. With the SPD just hours before broadcast

Manuela Schwesig, Prime Minister of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (SPD), Federal President of the Alliance 90 / The Greens Robert Habeck, the Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia Armin Laschet (CDU) and the journalist Kristina Dunz of the "Rheinische Post" invited. For the CSU and the denial demonstration of the party leader for obtaining power and votes, State Minister for Digitization Dorothee Bär (CSU) had to keep a cool head in the snapdragon. And she did that – it was finally quite strange – always smiling.

"Of course, it was a little hot here"

"Of course, it was a little hot here," said Bear. But that would still mean that you want those political types like Strauss and Wehner to come back. "And when it gets a little stronger then everyone is surprised."

Maybe that already exposes at the beginning what is wrong between many voters and the CSU: He just does not want such politicians. Nobody wants back bats. Or the cold war. Of course, the fronts could have been a little clearer nowadays. Sadly. Even then, no one would have called "applause" if a minister had pushed the government down with a show. And: Between "getting hot", "getting strong" and the dispute of the last days are worlds.

See also

That the conflict over asylum between the CDU and the CSU has intensified in recent days, but this is not only due to internal disputes and disputes. problems of power. But also in the differences of content. Thus, a few days ago, Seehofer's highly controversial master plan rejected asylum seekers at the border and especially in the "transit centers" of the German-Austrian border, which should sometimes be called "centers of the German-Austrian border". # 39; anchor ". and in 2015 sometimes "Transitzonen".

On several occasions, there seems to be some confusion in the debate over what these hot spots are meant to mean, where the applications are processed by asylum seekers whose asylum procedures are being processed by other countries of the EU. According to the most recent agreement of the coalition, "the facilities provided by the federal police near the border for the transit procedure" should be told. It's a bit long.

Schwesig criticizes the lost trust

"In this conflict, Merkel and Seehofer lost the confidence of their citizens in politics," said Schwesig. How does a humanitarian refugee policy work, kill a lot. "But taking the whole country hostage is irresponsible, just because the three machos of the CSU – Söder, Seehofer, Dobrindt – are down, because they may not have the absolute majority in Bavaria? "Asks the Prime Minister and receives applause

Anyway, tonight there is an agreement between the two, perhaps because Habeck, who served his last day in the Schleswig-Hesse Parliament, Holstein, never wants to acquire the next partner of the coalition?

  Robert Habeck and Manuela Schwesig (from left to right) were often online - and criticized the CSU

Robert Habeck and Manuela Schwesig (left) were often in line – and critically criticized the CSU

Source: ZDF / Jule Roehr / Jule RoehrZDF

Also with Laschet and the CDU, he announces, as if the negotiations were forgotten about the last coalition – however, for the fall of the CSU. "We need to think about the way don We can achieve a political alliance without CSU, "he says. "No one takes Mr. Seehofer more seriously." For Alliance 90 / The Greens, it was important to develop them and think beyond the traditional old part of the party.

See also

  The "Masterplan" Migration "by Horst Seehofer

Anyone who has watched the government crack down in recent days, now wonders if this rather direct offer to Merkel does not come a little late." We would not have taken a bunch of rubble. But that we are ready to talk and have tried to take responsibility, that is indisputable, "he says and," We need a new policy without this UHC. "

" An indictment "

Laschet, very tired works, contradicts .. Of course, like Seehofer in recent days, you can not deal with a Union." But when the CDU and the CSU it's more of an issue than a basic problem like this, "he says." We've now found a solution too, even if they're not there. " not very different from those that were put in place four weeks ago. "So that's an indictment," said journalist Dunz. "If the government is going from the front and present old papers, then there will not be many of them. "

And Bear? smiles, then something helpless. Even though Illner had confronted them with the statement of the l 39; AfD would have caused the CSU to chase the chancellor. "It's a free country," she says, "no matter who can claim what he wants. Whether it's true or not, I'll put it there. "One thing is clear: do not jump over all the sticks of the AfD, who also complained on Twitter, for not being invited to the round." But it is also clear : such claims must be contradicted.If you leave them without comment, the gap between the parties of the Union increases.And you cling even more to the AfD

Fight for Majorities Europeans will probably be more difficult

In a way, it seems to be a joke.This quarrel, the show, the public rumble.I repeatedly folds his eyes under his rimless glbades.The European fundamental issues should now be kept high, he says.About migration and asylum must be decided together.

That's right, but it's not easy.It is n & # 39; There is no uniform European solution and one to achieve, because of this Merkel nibbled for quite a long time. "We are also a pro-European party," Bear smiles. And Habeck calls between: "No. They are killing Europe!"

This shows what the recent conflict in the European Union has not facilitated: the fight for European majorities that is so urgently needed now. "Was it worth it?" Asks Laschet at one point and probably already knows the answer: No.

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