Documentary "Sooner or later": "Six feet underground" in the Upper Palatinate


"As a woman and city dweller", it was only a "badbad" to win the protagonists of their film project in the province of Bavaria, said director Pauline Roenneberg in an interview. In order to create a climate of trust, the Munich Film Academy graduate and her team completed a 14-day internship at Ernst and Roswitha Schöfl: the Upper Palatinate couple from Schönsee runs a dairy farm in their main post.

But because it no longer gives enough to life, Schöfl entrepreneurs earn something in return. After the internship, Roenneberg and his team were allowed to come back over three years to describe this "double life".

Thus, for her 120-minute four-part documentary series, the director not only collected rich documents on the Schöfl division of labor in the stable and the cemetery, but also documented new developments: At the same time , we attended with joy the birth of a calf. As a result, the young cattle turn out so stubborn in turn two that the farmer Ernst consoles his wife with the prospect of being able to eat him as a sausage next year.

The dry management of the cycle of life is, of course, in front of the sidelines of Schöfl, anyway the dominant theme: with new orders, sometimes urgent, always start with a phone call, l & # 39; farmer Roswitha receives: "Schöfl – Oh, my condolences."

Pauline Roenneberg has captured this daily life in humorous images and dialogues (subtitled in German), to which she sometimes underpins contemporary folk music such as the "Deifedanz" of the Dreiviertelblut group.

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During the filming, the filmmaker was lucky enough for valid people: a community of vegan freethinkers bought the vacant hunting hotel in the village – an outcry among the Catholic population aware of the tradition. Since she also found an access here, Roenneberg has offered the opportunity to incorporate in their observations impressions from another world.

Let's ask for "light intelligence"

So, she shows a very pregnant butchery girl, who settles in the community, in a speech about animal communication. Or she accompanies the communards to try and find the right place for a pet cemetery by questioning "light intelligence". She manages to never reveal the ludicrous behavior of someone, but to let the scenes speak for themselves.

With the same laconic, she represents the church choir of the community, who also sings at funerals. During a bus trip to Dresden, the courageous group first committed to the cannon "To be happy, it takes little", then consume collectively sausages brought in a glbad on a parking lot. And then, there is the young councilor Tobias, who sometimes arrives at night in the community to take care of meditators, which brings a touch of study of the transition to adulthood in the middle .

All these characters give rise to a figurative cosmos that seems almost fictitious through editing and music, through recurring patterns and phrases. If Ernst Schöfl puts on his cap for the funeral ceremony, the thought of the bestseller saga "Six Feet Under" is certainly not far off, and house comedies like "Who dies earlier is dead longer" greet.

The most daring point of this great work, which really wants to show what exists in real life in a small space so that everything is side by side, is the last part ready. When the head of the church choir enters the township to recruit young people, despite all their prejudices, they become a shy group.

"sooner or later", Wednesday 22:45, BR (all episodes) and three months in the BR Media Library

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