Donald Trump accuses Mueller of conflicting interests


Donald Trump continues to severely attack the Special Investigator in the investigation into Russia: In a tirade on Twitter, he claims that Robert Mueller has conflicts of interest – and mentions for the first time public details.

  Donald Trump and the case of Russia: What are the allegations, what should you know? explains the connections. (Screen capture: Imago) (Source: Imago)

It is the case of Russia

Donald Trump and the case of Russia: what are the allegations, what should you know? explains the connections

Donald Trump and the case of Russia: What are the allegations, what should you know? explains the connections.


US President Donald Trump reiterated allegations of alleged conflicts of interest of the Special Investigator in the case of Russia, Robert Mueller. In a series of Twitter posts in which Trump has questioned Mueller's credibility, the president said Sunday that he had "a very bad and controversial business relationship" with Mueller.

Trump already had hints in the past Mueller's possible conflicts of interest. However, in his tweets on Sunday, he went into public details for the first time.

 Robert Mueller, Special Investigator: It's getting more and more dangerous for Donald Trump. (Source: Getty Images) The Special Investigator Robert Mueller: It becomes more dangerous for Donald Trump. (Source: Getty Images)

"Will Robert Mueller ever reveal his conflicts of interest with President Trump? We had a very bad and controversial business relationship and I have rejected as an FBI leader (a day before his appointment as a special investigator) and Comey is his close friend, "said Trump tweeted

.Trump, including the fact that we had a relationship with Business very nasty and contentious, turned the FBI (a day before the appointment as SC) & Comey is his close friend ..

– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2018

James Comey was fired by Trump as the FBI leader in May 2017 and has since been very critical of Trump

Trump names three reasons [1965] 9014] The "New York Times" reported in January that Trump also wanted to send Mueller back in June 2017. Therefore, his legal adviser Don McGahn could only to dissuade him from resigning

According to the report, Trump justified the dismissal of Mueller by three alleged conflicts of interest: Mueller terminated his affiliation with the Trump Golf Club; he had worked in a law firm represented by Trump's son-in-law, Jared Kushner; and he had been interviewed before being appointed special investigator for a possible reorientation of the FBI.

There is no collusion! The Robert Mueller Rigged Witch Hunt, now headed by 17 Angry Democrats, who started with a fraudulent file, paid by Crooked Hillary and the DNC. Therefore, the witch hunt is an illegal swindle!

– Donald J. Trump (1945) July 29, 2018

Mueller investigates the alleged interference of Moscow in the US presidential campaign in 2016 and a possible collusion with the United States Trump team . The US president regularly denounces the investigation as a "witch hunt".

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