Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin: beginning of a friendship


He wants a direct, open and in-depth dialogue with Russia, Donald Trump said, but in truth, the US president in Helsinki was probably looking for something different. Maybe it was a confirmation, maybe even a recognition. He was probably hoping that Vladimir Putin would finally respect him. This was to be read from his words, he hoped that the Russian president helps him solve the world's problems. Trump was looking for a friend. He met Putin in the gesture of a petitioner.

For more than two hours, the two men spoke alone, with only translators, and later consultants were added. Overall, Trump and Putin clashed for four hours. One could have expected that at the end of the more or less concrete results of this afternoon, which was announced by both parties as a "summit", stood – but that was not the case. was unfortunately an absurdity. (Read the minutes of the meeting here.)

Instead, there were many murky sentences. Putin and Trump stood on a podium in the Finnish president's palace, with five American flags and five Russians behind them. He wants to work for "cooperation and peace," said Trump, and he sees a "bright future" in relation to Russia. He praised and thanked Putin several times, he took the Trump advances seemingly motionless.

Confessions wave

Civil war in Syria played a role in the talks, here again Trump and Putin are not confessed "humanitarian crisis" (Putin) to end together – a mentality of crisis, in which Putin – even a significant part, since Moscow supports the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, who had repeatedly used poisonous gas against his own people.

Putin He said that he wanted to participate in the end of the war, at least in southern Syria, near the border with Israel. "We will take a step towards a lasting peace." When that happens, and exactly what Russia does, it will remain for itself. Trump said he hopes, along with Putin, will persuade the North Korean regime to abandon its nuclear weapons. "After today, I am very sure that President Putin also wants to put an end to this problem." He also hopes to contain the tyranny of Iran in the Middle East.

"Putin was strong and convincing in his denial"

However, the main subject of the press conference was Russia's attacks against the 2016 presidential election. Trump still refuses to acknowledge this fact. Although his highest spy, the national intelligence coordinator Dan Coats, just confirmed Friday and warn urgently against further interference from Russia. But Trump confirmed that he did not believe his intelligence services, but the man standing behind the desk next to him: "President Putin was strong and convincing in his denial today." The question seems to have been settled for him.

For Trump, the question of Russia's interference in the election campaign is nothing more than a balance between two equal sides. He chose Putin, and that's the scandal. The question is: what could Putin convince him behind closed doors?

At the level of the eyes

That would not have been better for the Russian president. Trump has expressed confidence in the badembled global public. The head of the Russian state got the photos he wanted: he was standing next to the US president, who shook his hand three times and described him as a competitor of the global audience – and later, it was considered a compliment. In addition, Trump left his American colleague the first word, while Putin had landed more than 50 minutes late in Helsinki.

Putin has not known so much appreciation from an American leader for years. After all, he had to experience how former US President Barack Obama downplayed Russia as a regional power.

Now, however, Russia is back where Putin believes it: equal on the American side of the world stage. The successful World Cup football repeated several times – Putin returned the favor with a ball that he handed to the US president, after all the United States, with Canada and Mexico, hosted the Cup in the world in 2026

Helsinki, the Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov later hailed the meeting "better than big", the Russian broadcaster rebroadcast the press conference.

It seemed that the past months of foreign tensions did not exist: the mutual expulsions of Diplomats after the attack of the former double agent Sergei Skripal with Novichok's nervous poison, worth the report of the international investigation team led by the Netherlands, which clearly indicated that the flight MH17 of Malaysia Airlines had been shot down with a missile system of a Russian military unit.

After all, it is Putin who said that Trump and he represented different opinions on the issue of the annexed Ukrainian Black Sea. Trump, in turn, had previously said that the United States was determined to deliver more liquefied natural gas (LNG) to Europe – despite the North Stream 2 pipeline that will transport Russian Siberian gas to the United States. 39; Germany.

seemed to have little to do with the new US-Russian rapprochement. This is the great cleansing of Putin who may have witnessed the world on Monday, made by an American president who considers himself morally in Putin's position. For Trump, this meeting marks the beginning of a new era, a Russian-American axis, the era of strong men. He probably believes that he has found a new friend in Putin.

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