Donald Trump: the White House must refuse the new declaration of Russia


He did it again. US President Donald Trump has caused further confusion with other statements about Russia's interference in the US election campaign. Two days after his controversial meeting in his own ranks with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Trump answered the journalists' question, if Russia continues to interfere in the United States: "Thank you, no." Trump shook his head. When a reporter checked, Trump again replied "No". The US president again contradicted his own intelligence service

However, a few hours later, the US presidential office said that Trump had by no means said that Russia would intervene more. Instead, the president said "no" because he did not want to answer any other questions, spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders told reporters. "The president has made it clear to Vladimir Putin that he should stay out of the US elections."

  Donald Trump

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Donald Trump

After his double no, however, Trump spoke for about a minute to the reporters. Sanders' denial came about three hours after the initial reports.

Sanders: The threat of Russia still exists

Trump and his government have worked very hard to ensure that Russia does not interfere in the US elections, as stated in The Past was the case, said Sanders. Trump is convinced that Russia will try again. "We believe that the threat of Russia still exists."

(More on the action "Germany Speaks" can be found here.)

The US President once again defended the summit with Putin and "a lot of positive things" announced. Previously, he had presented his widely criticized remarks on Russian interference in the US elections as a misunderstanding. He wrongly expressed himself at the press conference with Putin

Trump, at the press conference with Putin on Monday, had acquitted Russia of the interference in the US elections, despite the findings US secret services. On Tuesday, he pulled back: he had said that he saw no reason why Russia had not interfered in the election.

The US intelligence coordinator Dan Coats had said Friday: "The warning lights blink red again. The digital infrastructure is literally being attacked today." Every day, "foreign actors" such as Russia, China, Iran or North Korea have committed cyberattacks against US targets. Russia is "unquestionably the most aggressive foreign actor".

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