Donald Trump threatens "Shutdown" in the dispute over immigration


One hundred days before the major mid-term elections in the United States, President Donald Trump has threatened opposition in the immigration policy dispute with a government business stoppage .

He would be ready for a closure if the Democrats did not do it. Construction of a wall on the border, the abolition of the Visa lottery and other measures supported, Trump said Sunday on Twitter. The United States needed a migration system that allowed immigrants to land based on their performance.

The US federal fiscal year expires at the end of September. A closure will occur if Congress and the President do not agree in time on the allocation of funds for the upcoming fiscal year.

While key areas in departments and security agencies will continue to work. Those parts of government and public service that are not immediately vital then stop working. Tens of thousands of government employees have to stay home and are at least temporarily unpaid.

Among other things, for example, pbadport applications are no longer processed, there may be delays at airports because in some areas government employees are missing. Even US soldiers can no longer receive pay while a "shutdown" continues

Trump asks Congress to grant billions of dollars to build a wall on the Mexican border. Opposition Democrats reject the project, the high cost is also controversial among Trump Republicans. Trump had prototypes for the wall – between 5.50 and 9.10 meters high – in March, rated and declared "fantastic":

In another Twitter message, Trump called on Congress to change "the most stupid and worst migration laws in the world" .

On November 6, mid-term elections will be held in the United States, resigning from all seats in the House of Representatives and a third of Senate seats. Currently, Republicans control both houses of Congress, namely the legislature. Democrats hope that they will get a majority, at least in the House of Representatives.

More recently, he was paralyzed on the occasion of the anniversary of the inauguration of US President Donald Trump. The federal government had reached the ceiling of its debt on January 19 at midnight, which led to the automatic suspension of expenditures

. It is only on February 9 that Democrats and Republicans have agreed on a majority budget in the Senate and House of Representatives. Also in this case Trump threatened the Democrats: They were at the government stop to blame, if there is more money for the army and its wall at Mexico.

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