Donald Trump wants to look like Elvis Presley – and to Twitter so "Uh, no." – haha


His three main words of the conference on Islam – and what he means by that.

For the Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer belonged to the Islam long the biggest problems in the country.

Qu & # 39; he not in Germany At the beginning of his tenure, he declared once again – even if no one had asked (bento). And dealing with the issue of Seehofer migration described as the "mother of all problems"shortly after refugees from a predominantly Muslim country killed a German (bento).

Now, Horst Seehofer opened the German conference on Islam in Berlin – and suddenly suggested conciliatory tones to muslims and muslims gathered.

In an introductory speech, he asked what a "German Islam" might look like. And denied the Islamophobic scammers.

The most important sentences – and their meanings:

1 "Muslims belong to Germany!"

And of course they have the same rights and the same duties as everyone here in Germany, "said Seehofer," It's strange to have to insist on this again – but Seehofer wants it. build a bridge.

Muslims are allowed in this country not be excluded, but also should not turn away and strive instead for integration, so the message.

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