Donald Trump wants to meet Vladimir Putin in Washington this fall


Despite harsh criticism following the Helsinki summit, US President Donald Trump wants to meet Russian President Vladimir Putin again for a bilateral summit. Helsinki was a "big success", writes Trump on Twitter. Only the "real enemies of the people", the media "Fake News", will not see it.

Meanwhile, Sarah Sanders, White House spokeswoman, said on Twitter that Trump had asked John Bolton, Putin.

Trump had already said that he was looking forward to a second summit with Putin to start implementing some of the "many things already discussed". As subjects, he mentioned the fight against terrorism and cyber attacks, the situation in the Middle East and Ukraine, trade issues and the reduction of the proliferation of nuclear weapons. All these problems can be solved, even if the answers are sometimes difficult, Trump tweeted.

His appearance with Putin in the Finnish capital provoked outrage in the United States. At a press conference with the Russian president, Trump had avoided condemning the cyberattacks inflicted by the US intelligence services on American Democrats during the 2016 election campaign. Instead, he evaluated the US election campaign. Putin's claim that Russia had nothing to do with these hacker attacks, such as "extremely strong and powerful."

Even some Trump supporters then threw him in front of a prosin who was prostrating himself. The US president defended himself on his return to Washington, claiming to have promised himself at the press conference and to confess to the US intelligence services.

In an interview with CBS News, the US president claimed further, he had said "very clearly" to Putin during his four-way conversation that "we can not have any interference, that we can not have anything like it.

Putin rejects criticism of the summit

Vladimir Putin rejected the criticism of the meeting. There are "powerful forces" in the United States that wanted to sabotage the success of the meeting, Foreign Minister Putin told foreign diplomats. "Nevertheless, he began to pave the way for positive change."

These "forces" are ready to sacrifice US-Russia relations in favor of their own domestic ambitions, said the Russian president. Likewise, they are seemingly willing to sacrifice hundreds of thousands of US jobs and harming American businesses and security. Putin did not name any names.

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