Doubts about a study on border victims of the GDR


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German interior border German interior border

Ostzonal troops in the Franconian town of Mödlareuth divided by the internal German border. Photo: Karl Schnoerrer / Archives

Source: dpa-infocom GmbH

Berlin (dpa) – State Minister Monika Grütters (CDU) wants to rebadess parts of a study on border victims of the GDR. In a report from the Berlin-Brandenburg show, at least 50 victims are in doubt.

The offenders should have been victims. The cases will be examined, said Tuesday the German press agency Hagen Philipp Wolf, spokesman for Grütters. Until now, the authority of the Minister of Culture has not been informed of scientific objections.

The study of the SED research network of the Freie Universität Berlin was presented in June of last year after five years of research. As a result, 327 people from the east and west were killed at the former German – German border. The RBB report states that members of the border troops who killed themselves are not considered perpetrators but victims of the GDR's border regime.

FU's SED research network rejected doubts about the accuracy of the study. "We have described very different cases," said co-author Jochen Staadt dpa. "We have not made any victims." What had happened in the East German border societies had been very different. There were 18-year-olds who did not get along with the border service or who did not want to fire. Each of the 203 suicides studied had been the subject of in-depth and controversial discussions within the team of scientists. In 43 deaths, a link with the border regime was found.

RBB report

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