Doubts about the Juncker Trump deal multiply in the EU


E Euphoria, then disappointment: Following the visit of European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker to the White House, skepticism spreads in Europe over the importance of the results negotiated with the US President Donald Trump. ] France and Spain in particular are worried about negotiating with the United States as long as the US president will maintain tariffs for steel and aluminum.

Paris and Madrid fear that their local farmers are more likely to compete with larger farmers could go abroad. They demand that agriculture be excluded in all cases from the market opening talks.

The agricultural sector is of great importance in France, Paris and Madrid meticulously protect their peasants

A mountain of cheese grows in the United States

Trump and Juncker have agreed to settle the commercial dispute of several months in Washington for the moment, do not impose any new special duty. By November, a working group will examine how both sides could eliminate tariffs on industrial products and facilitate trade in chemicals, pharmaceuticals, medical devices and services. As long as the talks are going on, the United States does not want to impose higher tariffs on cars.

But not all of them rejoice as much as the Germans, who benefit the most from the temporary suspension of pbadenger car service. In return, the European Commission, in the form of its President Juncker, had promised Americans an increase in imports of soy and LPG into the EU.

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  Under pressure: European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker (l.) Negotiated an agreement with US President Donald Trump

The interest of Donald Trump in facilitating the The entry of his peasants into Europe is high. Due to Trump's trade war and China's counter-tariffs, products in cold rooms are stagnating in the United States. More than a billion kilograms of meat have been put on the ice since exports, particularly of pigs to China, have collapsed.

Due to a strong overproduction of milk, there is also a surplus of cheese so high that every American could easily get two kilos of cheese. US farmers are so upset that Trump has already put together a $ 12 billion aid package to help offset lost sales.

But that also meets a lot of resistance. Some consider that help is insufficient, others feel like welfare recipients and prefer to live on their products. And the experts warn that curiously, those who should be punished deserve exactly that. One of the largest American meat producers, Smithfield Foods of Virginia, belongs to the Chinese group WH.

European farmers do not consider themselves part of the deal

A relief for the United States would send surpluses to Europe to be able to. But in the EU, alongside France and Spain, other countries heavily dependent on agriculture, such as the Netherlands, demand that farmers be required to Gap of the commercial conflict. As much as it is feared that environmental standards or food protection will fall, as was already the case in the TTIP Free Trade Agreement

. The growing reluctance of the EU also has a lot to do with Trump's behavior directly after the Juncker meeting. For example, the EU offered to import more American soybeans on Wednesday. Only a day later, at a concert in Iowa, this manageable dealership in Trump's account has become an unprecedented breakthrough.

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Farmers have just opened Europe for them, "the president told farmers in Dubuque. "Until now, you have been totally limited, you have had obstacles that have prevented you from selling there." But now "you have a big open market like never before."

The Minister from the trade, Wilbur Ross, also pointed out that "all agricultural products" will soon be discussed between the EU and the US

Genetically modified soybeans opens the door

In Brussels, everything sounds. Only several spokespersons of the committee denied the presentation, and then Juncker also spoke in person – in fact, the US exerted "mbadive pressure" to persuade Europeans to open up their agricultural products further. the EU Commission has no negotiating mandate for agriculture

Juncker had to stop mbadively Trump According to the President of the Commission, the discussions were about to As a result, the EU has failed to Legally renounced one of its main claims, namely the access of European companies to public tenders in the United States. This has long been a great desire of the European economy.

Trump and Juncker agreed

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In the trade dispute, US President Donald Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker agreed on a common course to settle disputes. The results give hope.

Source: WELT / Matthias Heinrich

A spokeswoman for the commission referred to the joint statement after the visit to Juncker, which spoke only about soybeans. Due to the scarcity of soy in the EU for climatic reasons, there is no stronger competition for European farmers.

The problem of American suppliers is anyway their high prices. For soy, suppliers from Brazil or Argentina are usually much cheaper. In the case of natural gas, the EU wanted to make a concession following Donald Trump's attack on the Nord Stream gas pipeline. But US gas should be much cheaper to impose on the European market. Europe is already well supplied with natural gas, and liquefied natural gas has not yet been used as fuel for ships or trucks.

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  Donald Trump's tweet about the meeting with Juncker. Kiss Obviously, the European Union, represented by @JunckerEU and the United States, represented by yours, like it!

Of escalation in the commercial conflict

The group leaders of the Greens and the left in the Bundestag, Anton Hofreiter and Sahra Wagenknecht, still see commitment as a critic. "Juncker has reached Trump that the trade dispute with the US does not increase even further.However, the price we have to pay is far too high," said Hofreiter, the media group. produced in the United States is genetically modified.If more generic soybean and fracking gas are to be imported into Europe, it is at the expense of the environment and climate.Wagenknecht accused the President of the Commission European to unilaterally develop a policy for the German automotive industry

Juncker knows himself: Brussels can not and does not want to exert any direct influence on the import of liquid gas or soya. "Anyone who thinks that the Commission could dispose of anything matters where they overestimate the possibilities of the Commission," said Juncker.The head of the Commission, who had been greeted by Trump with a friendly kiss of he cheers, but hailed the notable efforts of the US President to reach an agreement. And he badumes that the agreement discussed holds. Juncker: "It would be foolish and presumptuous to say: I do not trust the American president."

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