DR Congo: the number of Ebola deaths rose to 164


28.10.2018 11.04

Online since today, 11:04

After the Ebola outbreak in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, the death toll has risen to 164. In total, 257 Ebola cases have been reported in the province of North Kivu since early August, announced the Congolese Ministry of Health.

In 222 patients, the virus was detected, the remaining 35 cases are considered probable. 67 people could be healed accordingly. In mid-October, the authorities reported a second wave of diseases, particularly in the city of Beni. Previously, people in the nearby town of Mangina had been infected with the Ebola virus.

This is the tenth outbreak in DR Congo since the discovery of the disease in the country in 1976. By the end of 2013, a devastating Ebola outbreak had affected several African states in the country. 39; West. In the following months, about 11,300 people died in Guinea, Sierra Leone and Liberia. Ebola is a viral disease that is often fatal. Transmission occurs through direct contact with the body fluids of an infected person.

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