Draft Italian budget: Austrian Chancellor Kurz: Italy in danger and others


Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz has

Italy urged to respect the rules of the EU debt.

" The

European Union It's an economic community and a community of values ​​that works, because there are common rules that everyone must adhere to, "Kurz said on the sidelines of the Asia-Europe Summit in Brussels:" If you break these rules (… this means that Italy is putting itself in danger, but of course, it is also putting others at risk.As the European Union, we are not willing to accept this risk of taking back this debt for Italy. "

Kurz responded with the comments on the evaluation of Italian published on Thursday

draft budget through the European Commission. The EU's supervisory authority complains of serious violations of the rules of the euro area. The new debt projects constitute an "unprecedented" gap in relation to the criteria of the Stability Pact, wrote the European Commissioners in charge.

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